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Member Since:Apr 16, 2004
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Do you wanna dance?
Reviewed Grease - Music Album
The history of my fascination with Grease has been documented in great detail in my review of the film (http://www.mouthshut.com/readreview/59172-1.html). ThiRead more...
Great Expectations
Reviewed Grease
Grease released in the US in 1978 ? the year before I was born. I don?t remember when it released in Harare, Zimbabwe, where I grew up, but I remember my teenRead more...
Saturday Night Fever
Reviewed Turquoise Cottage From The Orient - Vasant Vihar - Delhi
Though I hate to admit this in public, my social life is usually about as exciting as Krishi Darshan. Living in a place like Delhi where public transport is eRead more...
Love Actually
Reviewed Twenty Best Hindi Romantic Songs
Disclaimer: There are so many brilliant music critics on MS that I am truly hesitant in writing on this topic. I know nothing of chords or rhythms or even lyrRead more...
Best place to shop when you're buying me a gift!
Reviewed Sabhyata - Delhi
There are two types of clothes freaks in this world; the kind who have taste, style and a knack for finding gems in pigsties, and the kind who are like me ? iRead more...
Main Hoon Amazed! I actually liked it!
Reviewed Main Hoon Na - Bollywood
When I was doing my MA, I had a professor who thought he was God?s gift to womenkind. Since he was one of the few youngish male professors we had, and since tRead more...
The film that made me wish for short term amnesia
Reviewed 50 First Dates
I could think of better films to start my reviewing career on MS with, but 50 First Dates happens to be the first one I’ve seen since discovering MS, soRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Followed starpluswatcher04
Commented on starpluswatcher04's review
I love the way you write. I'm not so much of a music buff myself and I haven't seen Lakshya (yes I know - I should just curl up and die) but I've heard some of the songs and loved them. Totally agree with your ratings and amm now inspried to buy the album myself tomorrow! I wonder if I could use som Read More...
Rated on starpluswatcher04's review
Nice review Ankita. Very funny! First one of yours that I'm reading and I'm gonna be back! I quite liked Tusshar's acting in Khakee but then that was a fluke so please do cart him off! I think AB just needs a good script to prove himself. He's a good actor but his taste in scripts...well... Ke Read More...
Rated on meleahk1's review
Rated on e-Mahatma's review
Commented on nelsaan's review
I have a date to see this next weekend. Looks like it'll finally be something my friend and I both like - usually we have to take turns, which is why I can claim to have seen Bad Boys II. :) Neat review Nelson. But then yours always are. Rupanjana
Rated on nelsaan's review
Rated on nikamma1112's review
Commented on gurusmaran's review
Congrats on your 25th review Guru. Very well written. More later - am late for work already! :) Rupanjana
Rated on gurusmaran's review
Commented on bhaskar_dutta's review
I agree with you about making friends online - sometimes it's much easier to open up with people you've never met. I wish you'd given a few more details about the site though - it seemed like a very abrupt review. Then again it might be because I'm such a chatterbox myself! Keep writing. Rupa Read More...
Rated on bhaskar_dutta's review
Rated on nickishocked's review
Commented on criticalanalysis's review
You know Sai, I've been giving the different interpretations of Tere Bina zindagi se koi some thought - and I think we're both right and we're both wrong. In the movie...I think both interpretations of work equally well. On the one hand, he's the one thing that's holding her back from her dream Read More...
Commented on mariner2's review
Those pictures...this is definitely going on my list of places to visit someday. Great review. Rupanjana
Rated on mariner2's review
Commented on own review
You’re the One that I Want by John Travolta and Olivia Newton John I got chills, they're multiplyin', and I'm losin' control Cause the power you're supplyin', it's electrifyin' … I better shape up, cause you need a man I need a man, Who can keep me satisfied I better shap Read More...
We Go Together by the entire cast We go together like ramma lamma lamma ka dinga da dinga dong Remembered forever as shoo-bop sha whada whadda yippidy boom da boom Chang chang changity chang shoo bop that's the way it should be Waooo Yeah Yes those really are the lyrics! This is the last song Read More...
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Wendy Thangmawii (@lilwitchMouthShut Verified Member)
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Chilled Beer (@criticalanalysisMouthShut Verified Member)
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Parag Bawangade (@aditibawangade111MouthShut Verified Member)
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