Review : From the trailors MAqbool sounded another underworld movie, full of bloodshed and meaningless fighting, so I didnt bother to watch it. it was some few months back when I was just changing the T.V. channels n I saw such a beautiful white haveli with such an excellent cinematogrophy, when suddenly Ajay Gehi ( as guddu in the film n nowadays popular as rahul on tv serial milli) enters with his gang, after some gunshots I saw Masumi Makhija ( as sammera) n then one of the most talented actress in the bollywood history n the most talented actress today, no one today can even come nearer to her acting skills( out ov words now) our very own TABU enters with a baby in her womb, humilated by both guddu and sameera.
Then I came to that the film is worth watching. SO ONE DAY I BROUGHT ITS DVD and saw it with my abba n my chacha. According to my abba, a film is good only when it pass their test which is that if he slept while watching the movie then it means that the movie isnt worth watching, and the movie is great only if he saw it till the end, n u know what he saw the full movie. Now I dont think tht I have to say anything more as it has passed such a crucial test.
William Shakespeares play have been portraied so well tht even europeans couldnt do such a job n I m really proud of such product from our sub-continent. It shows tht our cinema has croossed the teenage, but still there are many, infact 60% of viewers who still want to watch such idiot movies like dil mangay more, waqt etc. The reason why I have siad tht evn english couldnt make such piece cuz they would place the paly as it is unlike maqbool, afer being such a supersticious story of macbeth still so much close to reality.
Another thing I liked most is the leading castS CHEMISTRY which include IRFAN KHAN, PANKAJ KAPOOR(unforunately shahid kapoors father), TABU, Naseeruddin Shah, OM PURI, Masumi Makhija AND Ajay Gehi. All of them are looking so much great that none of them proves to depict their own identity. Infact You may think as if they are born like it. If I had to rate these actors I would number them as:-
PANKAJ ( as proved by being the best actor of the year 2004)
TABU ( she was completely looking like nimmi, sometimes with a negative look
n sometimes a pitiful woman all due to her variation in acting.)
3.IRFAN ( 100% match for Maqbool)
4.NASEER N OM ( a very mature n excellent comedy)
5.AJAY GEHI ( after watching milli I couldnt expect him such role done efficiently) 6.Masumi Makhija ( though he not actually look like a muslim girl but still. as people say tht when u started loving someone then u even like its negative or bad points)
Music was excellent. there are three numbers all my favorite. One I liked is tht there is no song claiming a totally unrealistic image like in most of the bollywood movies girl dancing around with lots of back boys and vice versa. All picturisation of songs was also very realistic. In the song of jhil min jhili I really like tht part in wich it says AJ RANG HAI. Qawali is also very soothing.
FAVOURITE SCENE Where Tabu asks repeatedly from irfan khan hamara pyar to pak tha na? tabu say this while she was dying n after doing lots of bloody things to get irfan khan she ask him tht was our love pure or not?
After watching the sad end I saw the movie twice n started feeling as if I was one of them n if I was not then I wanted to be. At the end I would say one who liked MAQBOOL has a good sense of movies and others dont.