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Member Since:May 28, 2004
0 MS Points
. i like listening muzik, painting, swimming, will be writing reviews, reading
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Education: C.A.
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A comedy dealing with the reality of life.
Reviewed Beauty Shop
When first I saw its trailer on Super Movies, I thought it to be a very feminist kind of film. I decided not to watch it, but incidentally one day I came acroRead more...
SUch a melodioUs piece
Reviewed Morning Raga
Before starting my review I would like to tell u tht the reason behind watching this film was the best actress awards won by SHABANA AZMI for this movie. FromRead more...
WAqt PArt-2
Reviewed Viruddh - Bollywood
Now I really want a break!!! What the hell he wants to prove. rnt u guys sick n tired ov watching veryyyyyyy big B again Read more...
MaQbOOl- a master piece
Reviewed Maqbool
Review : From the trailors MAqbool sounded another underworld movie, full of bloodshed and meaningless fighting, so I didnt bother to watch it. it was sRead more...
Want peace!!!!
Reviewed Pakistan - General
Well the topic of my review is ?want peace!!? it is the first time that I am writing to MS and hope it to be a great experience. It can become gr8 by your comRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Rated on criminal's review
Followed Alazne
Rated on lothika.ghosh's review
Commented on manoj.saggi's review
Wow! excellent review. I have heard many people saying that the movie is a put off, but your review has assured me it's not like that. I guess people just can't get out of bollywood masala movies. I really enjoyed reading your style of writing.
Rated on manoj.saggi's review
Commented on own review
I won't say its a must watch, but it is a nice and light comedy
Commented on aneeshkamat's review
hey u wrote good but u didn't mention Tabu much, as she's the only factor of my eagerness to watch this movie. she's looking absolutely gorgeous and her acting skills are even flowing out of the trailors. I am attracted to her simple yet charmig look in this movie which does not at all make her a w Read More...
Rated on aneeshkamat's review
Commented on gmann6900's review
hey movie wasn't that bad. i enjoyed watchin' it. It was a very lite film.
Rated on gmann6900's review
Rated on mouthshutdotcom's review
Rated on dreamzunlimited's review
Commented on Rohit_Roy's review
i really appreciated ur opnion regarding MWM but the thing is tht there r stiil many ppl who love to such pieces ov sh*t like waqt, dil mangay more, barssat etc. i would def. watch this movie esp fo suchitra i m desprate to watch her after such a long break. p.s. i think rising was a good one.
Rated on Rohit_Roy's review
Commented on mouthshutdotcom's review
u shld def. go n watch this Xcellent piece Unlike barsaat.
yeah it was a typical bollywood film.i wonder box-office pay chali k nahi. ppl shld'v gone to watch wifez murder rather then this old crap.
Commented on tappym's review
xcuse me me u hav written ur review in the wrong category. plz check it
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