Antarctica, the coldest, darkest place on earth is home for the Emperor Penguins. It is where they are born it is where most of them will perish before birth. Surviving birth itself is a miracle for them. March of the Penguins is about their struggle, the journey they take to bring new life into the world.
It is told to us That Antarctica was a beautiful green land, teaming with creatures small and large. over time, it turned into a cold desolate place and the penguins were among the few living inhabitants that remained. Every winter they return to inland, away from the more colder climate of the outer regions. They all march, like an battalion of soldiers to their birthplace, but there is no war, perhaps with the weather... but it is mostly about life and survival.
Even those who have never traveled there know the way. Occasionally, they will lose their way, but they will find it and march on. They have a internal navigation system, which they rely upon. Once they reach the breeding ground, they will congregate and try to find their mate. It is here their true journey begins.
It is amazing to see how much the parents care for the eggs. When the egg is laid, it is passed over to the father, who will take it under its abdomen and keep it warm, while the mother will journey back for miles to get some well deserved food, and bring some back for the new baby that will hatch soon. This is where many eggs are lost, even a few mins of exposure to the brutal cold will kill the egg. The females return and take over the responsibility, while the males march back to fill their bellies. This is done over months, until the egg hatches and winter has blown by. Yes it is always cold their but winter brings temperatures far below freezing.
After the baby is born and is able to find its way to the water, the parents depart their own separate way and the following Winter is another chance with another mate. I watched this film in amazement. What the penguins did to bring new life to the world. It makes you appreciate your own existence in this world. There are also a few funny moments where the penguins will slip on ice and get up and start to march again, trying to catch up with the rest of the crowd. Morgan Freemans voice is perfect for this tale of love and life. The only thing more amazing than the journey of the penguins is the making of this film. The crew enduring months of below freezing weather. Its not like they can pack up and come back, the penguins do what they do, the crew has to capture every relevant moment on film...and they do it very successfully!
copyright kalel 2006