I purchased my 800 in 2000. Before that I had a Fiat and a Maruti Omni. Its the perfect vehicle for those graduating from a 2 wheeler and a good city car. Easy to drive, easy to park and good mileage. I have noticed that with competition in the automobile sector, at least in Chennai the service level have really improved. During my warranty period, I had some minor problems which were done immediately by the dealer. In one case I did not go to the dealer from whom I purchased, but went to another dealer to get my horn changed during the warranty period. This was changed immediately by the dealer.
As for maintenance during the last 3 years that I have had the vehicle, it is NILL except for the usual servicing costs and the costs for wheel balancing.
Perfect car for small families. One does not have to worry about mileage or maintenance costs at least in my case.
Yes there is serious competition in the form of Altos, Santro and other newer models and also the possibilty of Maruti replacing the 800 with the new Alto.
Well done 800 and keep it up.