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Member Since:Apr 08, 2002
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Education: graduate
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Tata mobile
Reviewed Tata Communications Mobile Operator
Hi, Here is an update of my earlier review as on 30th august 2003. I have now had this TATA connection for the past 2 weeks. Signal reception and coverage iRead more...
Buying a digital camera
Reviewed Buying a Digital Camera
I have no idea of the prices of digital cameras in the indian market. However I can pen down a few things to watch for when going for a digital camera. The rRead more...
Versatile Handheld
Reviewed Palm V
I have a Palm V which I bought in Nov 1999. It has only 2 mb memory as opposed to VX which has 8mb. However for my usage I have no problems with it. A year baRead more...
Fiat Palio Sport
Reviewed General Tips on Buying a Car
I currently own a Palio 1.2 ELps. When I bought this car FIAT was not offering any discount. Now on account of the sluggish sales there are a lot of discountsRead more...
Value for money
Reviewed Maruti Suzuki 800
I purchased my 800 in 2000. Before that I had a Fiat and a Maruti Omni. Its the perfect vehicle for those graduating from a 2 wheeler and a good city car. EasRead more...
Reliance CDMA
Reviewed Reliance Mobile Operator
Hi, Yesterday my daughter asked me what Reliance CDMA was. I started to say Code division.... She cut me off saying that it stood foRead more...
Let down
Reviewed Hathway Broadband
At Kilpauk, Chennai where I live, Hathway has now come up with a new scheme. If in a building there are 3 connections taken they would offer 24 hr connectivitRead more...
ICICI Housing
Reviewed ICICI Bank
I took a housing loan in Jan 2002 from ICICI at Chennai. Their service was lousy. I had to followup with them for a basic information such as my loan account Read more...
Lousy service
Reviewed Firstandsecond
IN 2001 I had ordered a book and got them as promised. In Dec 2002, I had placed order for 2 more books. Their website announced that these would be shipped wRead more...
An excellent phone
Reviewed Nokia 6510
Nokia has done it again. An excellent phone with a host of features. Small in size but big in features. The signal reception is as good as my earlier Nokia 33Read more...
C segment car with B segment price
Reviewed Palio - Petrol
I recently bought the 1.2 ELPS Palio at Chennai. Its a superb car, roomy interiors, good riding comfort. Market rumours are that it has a poor fuel consumptiRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Rated on robinsjoseph's review
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Commented on peppybiju's review
Looks like a review fform the company !!!!
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Commented on ajaygupta4's review
Hi Ajaygupta, There are a couple of driving tips that you need to know if u want good mileage. First of all do not compare this car to a santro. Palio is much more heavier and much more safer than the Santro. I know a palio user who had a dead on collison with state transport bus. Yet he came out o Read More...
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