I heard swift gives around 9 kmpl, not just from customers but also from maruti dealers. I am still planning to buy one, but this value is scaring me to even book. I know I am not writing a review, but I would like to to know the real mileage values, since when I asked the regional corp sales manager, he avoided answering by indicaing the fact that mileage depends of many factors , like city, climate, person driving, type of ride etc etc etc .... so many more factors, and hence a company does not publish mileage figures. But then there should be an upper and lower limit isnt it ... can I drive swift VERY VERY VERY badly and get a mileage of 1KMpl and I drive it soooooooooo good that can I get a mileage of 30 km pl ??? Not possible isnt it ...
So there should be a published mileage figure (lower limit, upper limit) from companies. Real figures wanted in the comments to this review PLEASE ... this is a very important factor in deciding which car to go for after all whats the use of a car with low mileage especially since price of petrol is expected to rise exponentially ....