Just finished 1 year with the SX4. Done a mileage of only 8, 200 in the year - not as much as I would have liked, but have been travelling out of town quite a bit in the last 1 year. When I bought the car, in Sept 2009, ABS was an important consideration for me and when I compared with Honda City at that time, they did not offer it on any model. Having lived with the car for the last year, I can say that the car is quite well put together, though some of the plastics & rubber of the interior, like the cladding on the A frame pillar, the area of the power window switches and the rubber beading on the windows could have had better fit & finish for such an expensive car.
I have been pleasantly surprised by the mileage, which has been consistently above 11.5 KMPL in city driving. I have made many trips to Mumbai on the Pune - Mumbai expressway and I am really impressed with its high speed stability and the handling on the ghats despite the high stance of the car. The suspensions are really great and I have gone through many bad roads without any problems.
I tried checking the top speed on the Expressway and managed to touch 172 KMPH! The car was fantastically stable even at that speed. In some of the reviews I was surprised to see comments of the engine being underpowered(Maybe some of our friends on this site who have just come back from the USA, should wake up to the new reality of the end of the era of the American 2 & 3 Litre gas guzzlers - I know, since I have driven enough of these cars in USA myself!). I have never had a problem of power even on the Mumbai - Pune stretch, which has quite a steep climb in certain sections.
I have always serviced the car from Sai Service on JM Road in Pune and have been happy with the service except for the 3rd service where they did not do a good job in washing the car and cleaning the interiors. However, they took cars of all my issues the very next day - so no complaints.
All in all, I am a very satisfied owner(although I did have initial hesitations regarding quality of the car).