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Member Since:Aug 06, 2003
0 MS Points
. Cars, Formula 1, Photography, Travel
About Me
Education: B.E., PGDM, IIM Calcutta
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The unsmart phone
Reviewed Sony Ericsson P1i
I recently got a Sony Ericsson P1i phone and my review is based on my experience with it as compared to the Nokia E51 which I was using earlier. Considering tRead more...
The great business phone
Reviewed Nokia E51
After my rather disastrous experience with the Nokia E50, I started hunting around in the market for a good business phone. After looking up a few of Samsung,Read more...
My first year with the SX4
Reviewed Maruti Suzuki SX4
Just finished 1 year with the SX4. Done a mileage of only 8, 200 in the year - not as much as I would have liked, but have been travelling out of town quite aRead more...
Great design which has turned out to be a lemon
Reviewed Nokia E50
I have been a strong proponent of Nokia phones until I bought the E 50. I was looking for a Business Phone with e-mail capabilities and Bluetooth. I thought tRead more...
The no-nonsense phone
Reviewed Nokia 6610
After spending 6 months with my Sony T68i and getting tired of the phone hanging up every second day, I decided it was time to get back to Nokia. Of late, NokRead more...
Car to the Max
Reviewed Palio - Petrol
I have a Fiat Palio ELX PS, which I bought in June 2002 and have already done 22,000 kms. At the time when I was to buy the car, there were many negative reviRead more...
Very good bank - highly recommended
Reviewed HDFC Bank
I have had accounts in HDFC Bank in various cities (Pune, Calcutta, New Delhi) almost since their inception and apart from some initial hiccups there service Read more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on own review
Dear ks18, paras75 & myg 124 Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I want to respond to some of your responses 1. In the Nokia E51 you do not have to set it by Search by Surname or Search by Name - it does this irrespective of whether name or surname is first 2. For Bluetooth in Nokia it is a 1 key Read More...
I do not understand how the sales figures shown by car lover have any relevance to my review based on my ownership experience. If mileage is so important - buy a cycle !!!
Rated on gita.madhu's review
Rated on key2tekhunta's review
Commented on Jaspreet4all's review
Dear Jaspreet, Maybe you should check your driving style rather than snapping at Mr. Chitre, If you have the right to write your mind on this website others can also give their comments. I too have a SX4 and have none of the problems you speak of. Cheers, Sumit
Rated on kgkaran's review
Rated on rupalidean's review
Rated on alexblore's review
Commented on nksaurot's review
You should try Samyak Auto at Patparganj. When I was in Delhi, I found them to be reliable and very helpful. Sumit
Commented on kkanera's review
Hi Kunal, Good review - though a bit short, but welcome to the world of the happy Palio owners. My 2002 ELXPS is still going strong with 57,700 kms. on the odo. Service costs have been minimal and I intend to do at least 100,000 before I even think of replacing it. I have had many memorable drive Read More...
Rated on viola's review
Rated on samyonix's review
Followed mariner2
Commented on mariner2's review
Wow - great review. I think it is you who should be in the Avenger ad !!! Though much younger than you - only 34, I am thinking of getting back to biking which I left in 2000 when I left Pune. Now that I am back here, I feel like starting afresh. Cheers, Sumit
Look forward to your review on the Avenger !!! Cheers, Sumit
Commented on amitkavi's review
Hey Amit, Welcome to the club !!! I am sure you will enjoy years and miles of joyful driving with the Palio. Cheers, Sumit
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