Just read a review by Mr. Prasadmvs... this is in response to it...
I brought a WagonR lxi on jan 2004... and so far.. the ccr has performed OK in terms of fuel economy, maintanance and pickup...
The major problem which I think Maruti must work upon is the gearshift(especially Reverse gear)... the reverse gear sometimes refuses to be engaged and requires repeated tries..
The second problem is of course the ground clearance ... and not to forget the narrow and very tiny rear legroom(though front legroom is great!.. for tall boys like me ..)
Now coming to the pros of the car.... here is where I completely disagree with mr. prasad..
The fact is that WagonR has a more peppy engine than Santro(and I am not saying this just because I have driven both.. see reviews and articles on Autocar and Overdrive and various auto shows on tv..)...
The thing is the accelerator pedal of WagonR has a loose feel to it .. that it it needs to be pressed a little more compared to Santro which has a very tight accerator which gives the feeling of having a great pickup... this issue can be resolved by visiting a maruti dealer and asking him to tighten the accelerator pedal... believe me... Wagon R starts to cry at 25 kmph in first gear.. Santro on the other hand cries just at 17kmph on first...
All in all the car is a good city car but it can improve itself... as far as competetion with Santro with concerned... there is NO competetion.. WagonR is a clear winner in all departments.. except for gearbox...