I have been using a WagonR for the last 4 years, and I have to tell you, I am in absolute AWE! In fact I had to move from Hyderabad to Mumbai and had to sell my almost new WagonR in Hyd. But when I came to Mumbai I coudl not think of any other car but that! Ocf the many reasons following are the main ones why its really a car for the smart people:
1) Space
The space inside the car will blow your mind! To fix your car stereo speakers, you can use the boot door, which saves so much space. Not to mention the superior effect you get of the sound system! Also, this helps you to put more in the trunk than other cars that need a wooden plank to afix the speakers. Brilliant! And not to mention the glass / bottle holders in the car, the height of the car etc...!
2) Seating
The seating in a WagonR is mone of my favourite things! WagonR I think is the ONLY car in its segment that allows reclining of the rear seats. This makes so much sense while travelling long distances, where in the seat next to th driver becomes like an airline seat and one person can rest as if at home! Also, the rear seats are split, which helps you make more use of the boot space by making one seat fall in front, and you can use the entire "L-shaped" space for more storage. Usually when you pick people from the airport / train, this come oh-so-handy!
3) Fuel efficiency
This is a Maruti Product, so you can be assured of the fuel efficiency. The difference between WagonR and the other cars in its segement it that it has an electronic power sterring, as compared to a hydroulic one of its competition. This reduces the stress on the engine while driving and thus increases the fuel efficiency. Also, the electronic power steering gets switched off when the car reaches over 70 kmph, coz at that time youd better NOT be having power steering on! This also helps when if, the power steering gets corrupted, the car is still in driving condition, as compared to when a hydroulic power steering goes down, you cannot drive the car! Not eve to the garage!
4) Maintenence
The car hardly gives you any maintenence issues, if you are slightly cautious about careful driving and getting regular services, which again are not heavy on the pocket!
5) Re-sale value
Again, being a Maruti product, re-sale is never a question for the WagonR. I sold my 1.5 year old car for almost the cost that I bought it! Fantastic!
On the hind side, the car is not exaclty the best looking in its class and it does have a sluggish pick up. But if you are looking for a daily use car, this is the one for you!
Although the new WagonR has a few things changed, liek the seating in the rear, it still is the best car in its segment for a whole lot of other reasons! Thus, I recommend anyone who is looking for a practical, daily use, family car to definitly consider the WagonR...the smart peoples CAR!