I write this piece on (my) Zen after everyone and the lamppost have driven it and have reviewed it or have atleast commented about it...so this piece I wouldnt call a review but a tribute !
I purchased my Zen (Petrol) in November 1997, a white stallion...those days there was only one model...none of the new fangled vxi, lxi or any other xi...just pure unadulterated Zen. No music system, no power windows, no nothing...just pure driving pleasure.
I drove it non stop for almost 8 years. I purchased it in Calcutta and it shifted base with me when I moved from Cal to Delhi and then on to Mumbai thanks to my assignments. After 8 years, I reluctantly decided to move on to the Scorpio CRDe (and use the Zen as a standby for the time being before sending it to Valhalla of cars) as the Zen had aged quite a bit and I didnt want to watch it crumble under me...
And my experience with the Zen is captured below, though not in a logical manner keeping in mind the emotional state I am in, while writing this piece !
8 years and did about 110, 000 Kms. Went all over the place and undertook a large number of long distance trips. Operated it in cold/extreme heat and absolutely soggy conditions and not a whimper from the car. Drove it in deep waters and miraculously no effect on the engine.(Intially the office was nearby so for the first 3 odd years the car didnt clock many miles...last five years it did most of the miles !)
1 major repair - just one ! Of clutch plate changes etc arising out of my stupidity and nothing to do with the cars behaviour.
1 Overhaul of the suspension - nothing replaced - just overhauled.
Not once, repeat not even once did the car fail on a mission. Never did it stop in its tracks, die out on me etc.
Changed the battery once - 8 years and 2 batteries - incredible ! The last battery was an Exide Freedom.The ultimate joy used to be, when after spending long terms overseas - periods ranging from 1 to 3 months on assignments, the car used to start at the first turn of the key ! Only after the last trip in Aug ( 2 months of standing out in the open in the rain) it started after three turns !
110 K Kms done on 2 sets of tyres - one set the original JK tyres and the next set was Goodyear.Changed at 58 K. The current set would last for at least 10 K KMs more. Wheel alignment and balancing done regularly.
After 8 years - the mileage I get from the spunky chap - in city 15 KMs/Ltr with AC full blast and long drives - 20 KMs. There was a time about 3 years ago when the mileage in city was 17/18 KMs and long drives - 22 KMs to a litre. Changed gears at right speeds.
What helped enormously was - 1. Regular servicing - every 5K KMs without fail - not a single servicing missed.2. Compulsory engine oil change every 5 K even though the manual didnt state it and the service station guys also argued with me I used to ensure that the oil was changed.Though it meant expenses then, in the long run it proved to be a very inexpensive way to improve mileage and prolong engine life and enhance performance. Learnt this lesson from an old army hand years ago...
Minor parts were changed as and when required...bulbs etc. Other than that the electrics, wiring etc were not touched even once !
The seats, floor mats etc not touched...as original as it can get...
The chassis etc in OK condition - not even rust proofed even once.Body slightly rusted where there are slight scratches...overall even now the car looks good !
All other parts in extremely good condition...except the trip meter which gave up last year...
Over the last 8 years handling the Zen was a dream...rugged, versatile...once almost shifted all my household items in it after folding the rear seat/s(that shows how few my worldly possessions are !)...driven in terrible conditions including floods and what not...and not once has it complained.Extremely good handling characteristics...no horror stories here even at 120 KMPH.
Never let a driver touch the Zen - drove it myself - all the time.Used to get very fidgety even when a valet (driver) used to ask for the keys.
Never wanted to change it till a cold realisation dawned on me that it would now begin to protest due to age and perhaps that it needed some time in retirement for quiet contemplation of a life well spent.
Over 8 years - it has become a family member...my son grew up in it - from a small baby to a strapping lad - my wife (dont tell her this) and I have aged in it...we have seen quite a few family & professional upheavals in it...during each of these tumultuous events our Zen calmed us down by playing its role well and never letting us down ! It has seen me through many professional changes and career advancements...through joys and sorrows...
Today it has stepped down from being the main mode of transportation for the entire family to a standby car ... maybe till I get used to the Scorpio and decide what needs to be done with the old, aging stallion !
Adios, my friend...you have been a true & loyal companion !
Must have got some dirt in my eye its moist ...
Harry Boy.