I was a person who was impressed by the looks of swift on paper and I wanted to go for it crazily. I started enquiring right from day 1 I came to know about a release called as swift. I had never thought about any other car ...
Found out about the car would be released in May , my craze increased. I madly wanted to see the car. To my good luck they had come to the office on May 24th ... with a demo vehicle... and I was disappointed by the way it looks. Anyways days went by, I was to be transferred to hyderabad from bangalore so I wanted to enquire about swift from hyd dealers. I kept on findind about the details of swift and I was depressed hearing the greater 3 month delay in deliveries. And I wanted a car immediately since I had taken a house around 16 kms from my office and bike ride with my wife (who also works in the same office) tends to be very tough, with some major potholes of hyderabad roads. (usually roads in hyderabad have lesser potholes than bangalore, but the potholes that are there are HUGE, if a bike goes through it , it will fall into it ... ) Anyways then I decided to speed up the process of purchasing. Then to my good luck again, saboo maruti of hyderabad organized a camp in the office where they brought wagon-r, baleno and Zen. Now I went there and I asked about the swift and why didnt they bring it ... Then they also asked me to go for wagon - r since its impressive and frankly I too heard a lot about it ... but then I was adamant, I wanted only swift. But then I heard the truth, seems swift owners are reporting very low mileage levels. (9 kmpl) and even below. That scared me .. with price of petrol at 50/- pl, mileage is the factor that drives me now. Anyways I took the test ride of wagon-r first, and believe me it was impressive, too good. Then he asked me to take a ride of baleno, which I didnt want since I was sure I did not have the budget, then anyways I thought I can take the ride of a zen too. But yes, I was not that impressed, and I thought it was not as impressive as wagon-r. And with that I closed the talks and I asked them to get back the time in which they can give me swift. And then one day I get a call that they can give me a swift in 1 month. But yes my thoughts had changed, I took a test ride of swift, yes gear change was impressive and smooth, but it was a bit high for me , I am 5.6 , I had to lift my shoulders to put my elbow on the window.... Anyways by then I decided to go for a BLACK ZEN Lxi and yes I did stick to it till sep 16th(the day the deal was struck). I just got the delivery 3 days back ... and believe me I am very happy with my decision
Discounts for zen makes it very lucritive.
Black zen is a face in the crowd, I find everyone looking at it...
Wow nice mileage , initially they put 5 litres, and it was 70kms drive I decided to get some more pertrol, and yes that means 15kmpl that too in city with ac sometimes, anyways I am sure I need to make it tank full and then check the real mileage, that I will do after 1st service since till then I am sure it will not give proper value. So though theorteically mileage is better, I have to check it out .. since I never measured... so have to wait for the true figures from me...
Stable on potholes too, its 165 cm ground clearance is actually useful in giving stability at the same time, the bottom has been redesigned so that it doesnt hit anything, so I was able to go through a place where even swift used to hit, which is pretty impressive since zen did not even brush a bit.
Even with AC there is no loss of power, this is too impressive.
And when it is accelerated it shows that it wants to go more and more … I am sure that’s why its called a rev-happy engine.
So far so good, I am very happy with my purchase. I will keep updating my experiences by updating this review. So do come back later, since I am sure mouthshut doesn’t allow multiple reviews from the same person on a product.
Just that I wish there was a clutch foot rest :-(