While reading Roald Dahls Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and Matilda more recently I wondered how I never came to lay my hands on these books when I was a kid.
Dahl writes about a young girl Matilda who is a genius for a girl of 5 but for her parents she is nothing but a nuisance. They fail to recognise her abilities or her existence and so she finds solace in the books of a local public library. Finally her parents realise that she must be sent to school, where she meets her lovely class teacher Miss Honey who is terrorised by the Principal who is also her aunt Miss Trunchbull.
Quentin Blake beautifully illustrates the book. Though not as captivating as Charlie And The Chocolate Factory the book is still exciting, fun to read and simple for children and even older people who would devour books as kids and will therefore identify with the character of Matilda.
From the book
a funny thing about mothers and fathers. Even when their own child is the most disgusting little blister you could ever imagine, they still think he or she is wonderful.
Of her teacher
Her (Miss Honeys) body was so slim and fragile one got the feeling that if she fell over , she would smash into a thousand pieces like a porcelain figure