I took a connection for my trip to USA on my Gfs credit card. It was a$39.99 plus tax. Please bear ini mind that I was in USA before and I had an At& T connection. Matrix has tieups with Cingular which is AT & T. They first said that Cingular and Sprint charges up front$500 for connection in USA.
So thinkiing that these are hoinest guys I went ahead with the connection. GPRS was supposed to be deactivated. Further they mentioned that they GPRS rates were in tandem with Cingular, in case I dont activate it. The Cingular rate is$1/ day or for$15 unlimited.
Upon reaching USA, I received an sms statining check usage data from https://at&T.com/mywireless for free. Now upon opening that site MATRIX charged me RS. 29, 000.(almost$700). Furthetr, At&T says, " you have no inline support for this kind of number" . Matrix has charged 700 US for visitiing the website, whereas the AT&T rates were$1/day.
Now I have switched to Sprint, and counter to what Matrix has said I did nit have to pay anything. The problem is that MATRIX has charged the entire 29k from my gf scredit card. I really dont know what to do. MR. JAIPRAKASH of MATRIX is a thief and he is using peoples credit cards for money laundry. Jaiprakash by the way is the inernational sales manaer of Matrix Calcutta. He is a crook. He can be reached at 9830559100.
Can anyone tell me if any legal actions can be taken against these crooks?