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Member Since:Oct 30, 2007
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Reviewed Matrix Mobile Operator
I took a connection for my trip to USA on my Gfs credit card. It was a$39.99 plus tax. Please bear ini mind that I was in USA before and I had an At& T Read more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on cherul's review
This jazzyjazz is an employee of MATRIX. He cant even hide the fact.
Commented on own review
After Matrix falsely charging my GF's (now wife) credit card credit card, we get another email. As if they are not done cheating: Dear Subscriber, This is to apprise you that, you subscribed mobile no,5095928040,under customer agreement form no,S-210972,in the name of 'PRIYANKA AICH'.That the o Read More...
After Matrix falsly charging my GF's (now wife) credit card for more that Rs.30,000 against services unused, another email pos in:
After all the fiasco of Matrix and its fraud, misusing my GF's (now wife) credit card, and taking all the money. we get a new email.
Commented on preetshah's review
@naveen551: Why would someone be using MATRIX for 7 years. Someone will only be using if he has a terrible credit history and no respectable phone company will give him a phone. I believe Matrix recycles used or rejected SIM cards, and sells them. Also AT&T gives no support to matrix as Matrix claim Read More...
The positive comments are always made by matrix employees. So the coincidence is that two of them are the same person.
I have all copies of MATRIX emails and false charges. Please ask your lawyer what can be done next.
HI, My name is Avimanyu and I have similar experience with Matrix and I have already explained my grievances in mouthshut. Now I am in USA doing my PhD. How can I launch a customer complain against MATRIX, like you did. You can reach me at avimanyud@gmail.com Looking forward to hearing from you, Read More...
Rated on preetshah's review
Commented on Jai_1581's review
IF Matrix uses AT&T then why dont people get any services from AT&T in USA. I guess Matrix sells recycled sim card to make money.
Comment to shanu_loverboy7 said: Aug 29, 2008 11:39 PM IF jaoprakash wants to press charge against me for using his name, let him. It will cause trouble for matrix not me. It will result into a class action suit against Matrix.
Yes they call the customer a thief after charging a huge sum on credit card. Moreover they have their managers on Mouthsut writing product reviews.
Mr. Vipuljain, I dont even know how they call the customer thieves after charging from their credit card.
Commented on kku9988's review
I totally agree with kaustubh and Nidhi. Matrix is a cheat. I called up AT&T severel times and they said the number was not on records. They also charged 30K for Internet Usage, which was deactivated to begin with. Further upon enquiry they mentioned that 30K is regular American rates. In USA its 1d Read More...
Followed jeejucm
Rated on ayilliath's review
Commented on kumarnair's review
I guess MATRIX in calcutta moved office. Maybe people raided their old office. Cant these people be arrested?
Look a company executive is now reviewing his product. Matrix is the biggest fraudulent name in the Cell phone industry.
Hey Jaiprakash, More testimonials of your stupid business. MATRIX IS A THIEF and you are the Biggest supporter. http://www.mouthshut.com/review/Matrix_Cellular-148702-1.html http://www.mouthshut.com/review/Matrix_Cellular-148696-1.html
Commented on kumarnair's article
I too am a MATRIX VICTIM Dear Sir, My name is Avimanyu Datta, I too am a Victim of Matrix. I have given up after one mont of usage when they charged me with Rs. 30,000. Further they seemed to tie up with frad credit card companies like TATA carts and GE MONEY in India. I will help you in all resp Read More...
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