The Incident
Despite having a bad billing experience in 2008, I pursued taking a SIM to US in 2013 (assuming things would have gotten better) with Data enabled. Thankfully, the data never worked and I couldnt use a single byte from the phone! And I sent an email to the Sales agent on the same day I landed in the US and he looped in few people (now I have their internal emails) where they confirmed that the fixed money charged for Data will be refunded after the final bill.
On my return, I found Matrix doing multiple charges of 2000 (3 times) on my credit card on same day! Since my account with my bank is in privilege mode, they called me and we blocked the card then and there. And I put a block on all transactions whatsoever on my old card (Remember you have to explicitly ask for it. Otherwise transactions like Matrixs will go through)
Now after 3 months, Matrix is chasing me for 2846 which they say is due from me. Despite the fact I have evidence they have deducted more than what I owe and they also should be refunding the Data pack money!! I have sent multiple emails to all the address I have with proof and attachments. This is still lingering for the last 3 months!!
The Network
Matrix works only in key cities in the US. Dont believe their words when they say it works everywhere. It certainly doesnt work in the Mid-North like Wisconsin or on Interstate highways. The problem is you will find the network, but wont be able to make calls!
The Service
The guy who comes to give you the Sim card and collect documents: You will never see him again for the rest of your life. He will not answer your calls, he will not respond to emails once the sale is over. The customer service sucks, big time. I just hung up on the Customer Service agent after waiting for more than 30 minutes. I could have easily ignored their messages and emails, but as a honest citizen, Im trying to get this monkey off my back (figure of speech) but they are least bothered! I guess had I not disabled the card, I would have carried the additional burden and running pillar to post!!
Apparently their Sales calls are easy to get through but the service department, especially the Billing calls are extremely busy. Get the drift?
The Billing
They are dependent on the operator of the visiting country to get your actual usage. Irrespective of what package you choose (15 day or 30 day), you will end up paying TWICE than what you have signed up for. The best part is, you will do almost 2 months after your travel. The delay between actual travel and the billing is such an enormous pain, especially for Business travellers. Expensive or not, get your regular phone ISD enabled or get a Prepaid Phone and load it with money!! I will discuss the options at the end.
The Risk
These are the reasons why Matrix is such a huge risk.
Never get the data pack. You will be shocked to see the usage as some of my friends have burnt their wallet/credit card. You will get bills of minimum 25000 and above, even if you disable everything on the phone. I was purely lucky that NOT A single byte was transmitted from my Phone.
Matrix takes a xerox copy of the Credit Card for authorisation. This puts enormous power in their hands that they can charge literally anything to the Card. This applies even if you hotlist or cancel the card. You have to specifically spell out to the Bank executive to cancel all standing instructions past or future on that card
The xerox copy of your card goes through middle agents who pose a huge risk. My credit card got compromised in this process when I returned to India. After investigation, I found out that Matrix was the only one who had my card number. NEVER give anyone the xerox copy of the reverse of the card, even if they insist.
The Bottom Line
No matter what they advertise, you still have to change SIM cards on your phone in whichever country you visit. So its not a big convenience getting a Matrix SIM Card at all! Matrix used to be only option 4-5 years ago when the phones from India will NOT work in the US and you never had use-and-throw phones there then. That has changed and Matrix is irrelevant from technology and ease of use perspective. The Credit Card risk the biggest element which should put you off from going to Matrix
So, Stay away from Matrix. Or else, you will be languishing their support centre for the rest of your life for resolution.
The Options
Well, then what are your options?
If you are travelling for a long trip : For countries like US/UK/Europe, you can easily get a local phone without much hassle with the type of your Visa. So you dont need Matrix.
If you are on a short trip (1-3 weeks) : Atleast in US you can get a pay-as-you-go phones at major airports. If you are entering via JFK, just turn right after you come to Arrival and you will find $30 phones! These are very cost effective and ZERO hassle compared to Matrix. You can retain the number for next trip! With all smart phones today becoming Quad band, no worries at all!
This is same for most asian countries. For the rest, just get a darn Prepaid from India and it will save you all the trouble, trust me.
Who am I?
Im basically a business traveller and have used Matrix in 2008, 2012, 2013. Suffered by paying in excess in all three instances.
I used to be active review writer until 2006 after which my spare time got divided between Social network and Work!
Im more than happy to take quick queries by comments/emails and share more details on Matrix.
Why am I doing this.
Im not a disgruntled customer who wants to get even with Matrix. Im a customer who used their service three times and found they are lacking consistently. I have done thorough analysis and review of their services and I personally wish to save innocent unsuspecting customers from the risk that they are not aware of.