We got lured by the TV ads and approached them. My husband was flying to USA and wanted a phone badly. We got a preactivated cell phone.Network and coverage was pretty good in U.S too.So far so good. We came back to India and returned the phone. Little did we know disaster was waiting to happen. We did not receive any bills even after a month and have ended up paying them 10, 000Rs. without getting any stmt or bills.They are having a field day with our credit card. They charge our card whenever they like even if we are not using their service. their reassurace of reversing the excess charges is all bogus.
When we contacted the bangalore office they kept telling us they have not received the bills and will look into the matter. Its more than 6weeks and they have not generated any bills and sent us. Customer service is most lethargic and does not have a clue whats going on.
Its one big FRAUD company. Dont ever try them.
Meanwhile, our fight is still going on...