Everything that has a beginning, has an end. Matrix Revolutions is almost a stunning finale to the trilogy. Why this is an almost stunning finale, u will find out in the course of this review.
This review is by a die hard Matrix fan, at the same time this review is an attempt to find out why the movie has got so many negative reviews.
There are many spoilers in this review, so if you havent seen the movie yet (what the heck ru doing, head straight to the theatres) go straight to the Bottom line.
Review starts here..
It was indeed a revolution in World Cinema, when 4 years back the Matrix was released. The plot, the storyline, special effects and the gravity defying stunts was unlike anything we had ever seen. The vision of the WB(Wachowski brothers) is commendable. The movie was such a huge hit that in a survey taken in America, it was found out that almost everybody who owned a DVD player owned a Matrix DVD.
The WB wrote the Matrix script wayback in 1996 and reading the script after you watch the movie, is simply all the more interesting. It is remarkable how the WB could visualize every scene in such a poetic way. The movie has been picturized exactly as is in the script to such an extent, that when u read the script u almost feel like ur watching it once more.
(If you would like to read the Matrix script, check out -> https://matrixfansite.com/making/script.htm )
For a person who had been waiting for what was seeming like aeons before the 2nd and final installment was released, the Matrix Reloaded and Revolutions is not such a treat as the 1st installment was. This could be mainly because the Reloaded and Revolutions dealt more and more with Zion and their fight against the machines.Since Reloaded has been reviewed and dissected enough for a long time now, we can straightaway go to Revolutions.
Revolutions is a movie you MUST see on theatres, coz the special effects unlike the original and Reloaded can be only enjoyed or experienced in a giant screen. The movie has a 45 min battle sequence between Zion and the machines. This I think is the highlight as well as the drawback of the movie.
Its a highlight because it is a stunningly picturized battle, that u feel ur amidst the people of Zion and that fate of humans on earth is really at stake. The special effects and the conceptualization of the fight is remarkable. You simply have to see it in theatres to enjoy it.
Its a drawback because
The battle takes up 3/5 th of the entire movie time, and you feel like ur watching Star Wars or Star Trek.
The battle does not feature the main characters Neo, Trinity, Morpheus and Niobe. This I think makes the battle lose sting after some time.
Other drawbacks
There are only 2 fight sequence inside the Matrix, the first one not involving Neo ( so, u know who is in the fight!) and the second one is the grand finale Neo Vs Agent Smith. The first one is nothing compared to what we have seen in the earlier movies. So we are left with only one fight sequence worth mentioning. This I think is a major reason why people didnt like Revolutions that much.( But trust me the fight sequence between Neo and Agent Smith, is sheer poetry on screen, it is beyond words, ITS JUST AWESOME )
Wooden performances by almost everybody except Hugo Weaving (Agent Smith, muah ha ha)
Morpheus is almost dummied out, he is no longer the guy who knows everything and he has only a few dialogues (which are all there in the trailer itself) and very little screen time. Finally when the war is over, I expected a little bit of emotion from the guy who was the leader of the human revolt against the machines, who spent all his life fighting for
this moment exactly. It wasnt the case Morpheus makes a mechanical statement that this was the moment he was dreaming all his life.
The ending is not exactly THE END. The Matrix has not been destroyed, same for the machines and so is the case for the humans. Only Agent Smith is destroyed (deleted). The Architect promises that the humans will be freed.
Neo? We dont know if Neo is dead? This is the major discussion in all Matrix forums I have visited. Some people say that when the machines take a seemingly dead Neo, they could actually see him breathing and some movement of his body. So whether Neo is actually dead only the Wachowski brothers will know.
But no matter what the drawbacks are, this movie is a roller coaster (take the first 1 hr for warm up time). I didnt see the movie, I EXPERIENCED IT. Every Matrix fan has to.
Bottom Line
To hell with all the reviews! Go watch it!! You have watched the beginning, you HAVE TO WATCH THE END.
Well, Everything that has a beginning, has an End.
This review ends here.
the enigma