I used to love Mcdonalds as a kid. Happy meals, Mcflurrys, toys, and play place. Life was sweet when I was young, because was too ignorant to know anything. Am I saying ignorance is bliss? No, because bliss is knowing when youve been ignorant. I know I was young and niave, and didnt know much but parents were nice and good food came with fries. Now that Im older, its easy to see the flaws and floops of Mcdonalds. The service at my particular one is slow and usually inaccurate, especially at the drive-thru. Meals dont come with smiles, they come with frowns and incorrect change. The Team are mostly senoir women and teenage girls, who are insulting each other from time to time. The teenagers are unsure of orders, and the senoirs are tired and unexpressional.
Of course, I enjoy the fast food experince every week, and Mcdonald has superb fatty foods. The fries are irrestibel, the burgers are tasty and the chicken sandwichs are my faves. Mcdonalds also has more money than any other fast food chain, so they came create good atmosphere, even though its often unclean.
The commercials are good to watch, they are actually funny and make you want to go to Mcdonalds, with usually mid-30s, chubby male individuals, who have wife and kids, and order 3 cheesburgers and fries for lunch. That may sound like decreasing advertising, but I see it all the time at Mcdonalds. So at least there being honest with themselves.
Mcdonalds is somewhere vegetarians SHOULD NOT go. Dont be taken in by the new Mcveggie It tastes like crap.
A read in the paper that in early 2003, there gonna fry those lardo fries in vegetable oil. Hey, maybe there wont be so many lardo people. Lets remind you, your 6/10 likely to go to Mcdonalds for lunch. Perhaps it will change peoples health, and Im up for it. Maybe Mcdonalds wont be such a bad company after all......