Hello Tabby 21 here,
Bored? Feeling Challenged? In the mood for some good old game playing?? WELL, look no further!! Go to miniclip.com!!
Wethere you are in the mood for action, silly, suspensful, logical, knowledge, cute, or whatever you are feeling at that moment... you are bound to find a game here that will scratch your itch. LOL. sorry being silly.
Anyhoo, this site has it all including: puzzles, sports, knowledge games, action and adventure, even cute little games.
Every game is very creative and entertaining. The colors can be very vibrant and most the games have a amusing animation to them. The only flaw would be that some of the games can be perhaps alittle violent. As I said, there are tons to choose from. A huge variety. You can go in and select from many categories. This site goes from war fighting/ combat, to puzzles and brainstormers, to elementary games such as shoots and ladders!!
I highly recommend this site guys!! Tons And Tons of fun!! GAMES< GAMES GALORE!!!
God Bless and have fun. READY..SET...PLAY!!