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Member Since:Jul 02, 2004
0 MS Points
I am a kind, caring person. I am very honest. I will be a sweetheart, but I also not afraid to tell it how it is. LOL, that is my spunky side as people say. Of course, I say it nicely!! I like to have fun, yet be mature at the same time. You can be level headed and mature, but still have a blast. Some say I can be goofy, ... this is true. LOL. I am very dedicated to God and my church. He is the reason webreathe, he breathed life into us. I have the little girl in me(I am 20 and still collect Hello Kitty), yet am mature at the same time. As we all have both sides to us! I love romance and friendship and love. What I am saying is that I am all about the caring and sensitivequalities. However, I am glad there is a site like this to voice my opinion on what is not right, etc. As I said I am honest. I will stop boring you now!! Bye!. violinist,writer,artist,volunteering, photography, my job, my family and friends, my pets(who are my family as well), etc. reading, computer, God and church above all!!!!!
About Me
Education: some college
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Cross Country Bank - Don't go near it!!
Reviewed Credit Cards Financial Help or Financial Hurt
As I can see from these reviews I am not the only one whom distrust Cross Country Bank. I only wish I had read all these before accepting the card... here is Read more...
Gotta try Neopet!
Reviewed Neopets
Hello Tabby 21 here, OK guys, a friend of mine introduced me to Neopets.com and it is awesome!! You pick out a neopet(virtual pet) of your choice and then youRead more...
Deep Cleansing Breaths!!
Reviewed Tips on How to Control Anger
OK guys, we all have good days and then we all haveThose days. We all have great priceless moments to be treasured and we all have those moments wRead more...
From my heart, to my mothers heart
Reviewed Choosing Gifts for a Mother
Hey, Tabby 21 here, I love my mother. She is my best friend. Although I love my friends and other family, sometimes I have more fun with her than anyone. SheRead more...
Reviewed Dell Demension 2400
Tabby 21 speaking: Just two days ago I received my new black Dell flat Screen Demension 2400 & I am absolutely delighted with it! It is very nice looking andRead more...
Not being ''windy'' about their food! LOL
Reviewed Wendy's - Sector 29 - Gurgaon
Tabby 21 once again, Is it late and you are still hungry? Or you just have the munchies but its midnight? Well, go to Wendys. Its a fast food restauranRead more...
America's #1 fries is no understatement!!
Reviewed Mcdonald'S - Kilpauk - Chennai
Tabby 21 here again, Hungry? Got the munchies? For something with a little bit of a crunch, yet soft? Something warm and salty? Say no more... Go to McDonalRead more...
Do The Dew!!
Reviewed Mountain Dew
Hey guys, OK.. so yes it is high in caffeine and you can easily get hooked, but those are the only down falls! It is sure to quinch your thirst. It is filleRead more...
A Naturally Beautiful Experience!
Reviewed Clairol Herbal Essences Replenisher Shampoo
OK GUYS!!, If you havent yet.. You have got to try Herbal Essence!! I absolutely love this stuff & as I can see, alot of other people do as well! I lovRead more...
A beautiful Mind created this movie!
Reviewed A Beautiful Mind
Tabby 21 here, Hey guys. The topic for today is the movie Beautiful Mind. Before I even saw this movie I heard many to voice their opRead more...
Cool off with coolquiz.com!!
Reviewed Coolquiz
Good afternoon all: tabby21 here! Need some time to just relax and take it easy? Yet.. want to enjoy your time, perhaps have a brainstorm or have a slap yourRead more...
Reviewed Miniclip
Hello Tabby 21 here, Bored? Feeling Challenged? In the mood for some good old game playing?? WELL, look no further!! Go to miniclip.com!! Wethere you are inRead more...
Reviewed 123Greetings
Hello Tabby21 here, I love just about every greeting internet access. What a special way to just say hi or tell someone you love them!! I didnt see it Read more...
Reviewed Cingular Mobile Operator
Hello, As I said in my profile, I am genuinely a nice person who doesnt have problems with others very often at all. However, I also said that I am a vRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
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