Psst - This section will contain some inside trivia about the film.
Quotes - Good one liners from the movie.
Oops - Goofs From the movie.
Director - Steven Spielberg.
Screenplay - Philip K. Dick, Scott Frank & Jon Cohen.
Much Awaited High Budget Futuristic thriller movie is set in the year 2054. The Place is Washington D.C. There is virtually no crime in the capital city thanks to a special government law agency called precrime which prevent crime from taking place before it actually occurs. This is done with the help of three psychics called Precogs. What the precogs do is that they can see in to the future if any crime is taking place and Detective John Anderton (Tom Cruise) and his task force prevent the crime from taking place. There is a slight twist in the tale when the precogs actually see John Anderton committing a murder. Now He is on the run and he tries to find out why would he commit a murder in the first place. Steven Spielberg pays tribute to his idol Alfred Hitchcock and has a lots of twists and turns in the movie until a slightly predictible Climax. Not a master piece film but a truly superb intelligent film which questions Whether we can change the future after seeing it ? The performances by Tom Cruise, Colin Farell, Max von Sydow as the director of Precrime have given good performnaces. The Production Design is superb. The Special Effects are very good (211 people were there in the special effects team for this movie). But truly it is the director Steven Spielberg who takes all the credits for making such a wondeful movie. I saw the movie on the second day of release. In The end when the directors name came in the credits, the entire theatre gave a standing ovation.
Psst -
1) The movie production started as early as 1999. Tom Cruise was signed as early as 1999. Spielberg had gathered a team of 16 experts at that time to create the sets for the year 2054. The shooting commenced as late as 2001, days after Tom Cruise Completed shooting for Vanilla Sky.
2) Matt Damon was considered for the role of Colin Farel.
3) The PreCogs were named after famous mystery writers. Dashiell Hammett, Arthur Conan Doyle and Agatha Christie.
4) Paul Thomas Anderson, Cameroon Crowe and Cameroon Diaz make Cameo in the train Scene.
5) Some of the Cinematography is a tribute by Spielberg to directors, Alfred Hitchcock and Stanley Kubrick. Lots of References to Movies lIke 2001 - A Space Odyssey, A Clockwork Orange, Psycho, Dial M for Murder and Strangers On a Train.
1) Everybody Runs, Fletch.
2) They set me up
3) Ive never heard of him! But Im supposed to kill him in less than thirty-six hours.
4) The fact that you stopped it from falling doesnt mean it was going to fall.
5) There hasnt been a murder in six years. The system, it is perfect.
6) I like you chief, you were always nice to me. So Ill give you two minutes before I hit the alarm.
7) In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
8) He knows, dont go home
9) The precogs are never wrong. But sometimes they disagree.
10) Im sorry, John, but youre going to have to run again.
11) Because my mother gave them to me.
1) Signs advertise an election to be held on Tuesday, April 22, 2054. 22 April, 2054 will be a Wednesday.
2) Anderton says his case is 1109, but the display screen he uses shows it as 1108.