I love my general thoughts on MS to see what I feel...but I would be a hypocrite if I didnt write on what I feel about the dark side. Though this category takes MS as a website product, I couldnt post it anywhere else so I had to come here...
I fear of a day when I visit MS and see broken tatters of what was once a great civilization. Was it an earthquake, or a raid from the vicious inhumans...or had the people revolted against the rulers? was it just a small misunderstanding.. I might watch people tie up their belongings and leave...for better pastures and a better life...
i might stand there and think...what went wrong. Did we see this coming? Or why didnt we do anything if we saw? whom does the blame rest with?
I write a review and wait for people to comment and rate..i spend lots of effort on my review..but I see lesser reviews being commented...i get mad...i write another even better with more effort put goes to the dogs...i get crazy..something inside me snaps..i go berserk..i start flaming..MS bans dead.
he writes a review. she doesnt like it one bit. she gives him a piece of her mind in the comments section. hes no slouch to respond. The battle goes too far. Others might join in. There might be casualities and bannings.
you write a review..u r revered, u are a star writer, perhaps. people love ur review...someone passes too crude a comment. u want his scalp...u cant do it cause u are looked up to..u create a split personality of ur login, new details..same old person..u go stalking ur prey..u have him bite the dust..ur dark side seems terrifying, but u are more terrified because u seem to indulge in it once in a while.
everyone keeps secrets..none is safe. The masters are unsure how to face the situation. When there is a problem with a minority of a community it can be solved by removing the cause. but when it becomes the majority..the cause cannot be removed, because there is no community if the cause is removed. What will the masters do?
Perhaps they might sit back and think what made MS click till then...and they might realise that they were lucky..the masses had been well-behaved..but the masses have changed. The sparkle in their eyes have become a fiery glow. But why? its simple..chaos is proportional to the number of individuals in any union. The more number of people, the greater the effort for order.
What will happen now? orders will be placed, volunteers recruited, spies will be released among the people. perhaps we might have posse readers like star writers. No one will be safe. A simple act of protest and the hapless victim will be deported to some far away island never to return.
But is it that simple? identity overturns are so easy in these lands. You just walk in and announce urself as someone else. and u are accepted. In ur previous incarnation people hated you. You get inevitably banned in the end, You come back as a new person, for the world. But you are always the same you. People adore you in ur new identity. Everyone relates to you. You see how hollow an identity can be. One day you cant take it anymore and you remove the mask to reveal the real you. How will the people react? How will the masters react? you can do this a hundred times. Wonder if anyone has...wonder if any will...
am I someone you have seen in the past, but dont recognize now? are you that someone? Why do I write this? isnt my job just to watch movies, read books, use appliances, visit places, drive cars, talk over mobiles, eat from restaurants, play games and write about my experiences?
But the masters believe the people are the true strength of MS. hence they try to take their reviewing to the next level..try to get them write not just from their mind but from their make them passionate about the whole thing..and hence we have topics like those. Is it ok if I write this? Or should I delete the entire thing and just pretend I dont have concerns? But why do I even care? Maybe its because MS have been more successful making people passionate than they thought.
But what if someone makes a comment to me that is more than I can stand? Do I just forgive him and pride over the fact that I did so? or do I take the fight to him? and how would I do it? go to his comments section and goo all over the place? or make it filthy in my comments section itself which he made unholy with his opinions..but what if he is justified in his conscience, cause it was a honest remark? The masses will divide, im sure..i have seen it in the past... I will have people in my side, but surely he will have too. How will it end?
As I indulge more and more into MS I have run across reviews of these kinds with the comments section nothing but a flame arena. Guess the masters were watching...hoping that the flames would burn out without hurting anyone. Its only a matter of time before someone arsons the place too heavy and the waters will need to opened. I hope it wont sweep away half of the place. would be too bad.
every nation falls...every family the future bleak? is it too early to say? or too late? only time will tell.
What should I rate the product? I like if I write about the negatives and still give the product 5 stars, am I being false? I wonder what those who rated me for my general thoughts on MS think, when they read this :-)
I think I will never write anything in MS about MS, only just product reviews. Reviews on subjects like these are but mere articles. All said I credit MS for having hooked me more than any other site in the past 5 yrs. Lets all work to ensure that whatever I have written never comes true :-)
Bottom line - dont be too passionate about religion and politics and MS(:-)...for everything else..there is MS :-)