A strong cast and a possible love affair gave this film all the publicity they needed. However, the film goers might want to rethink their movie watching based on these two factors only.
Mr. and Mrs. Smith, played by Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie is a very simple movie. Lots of action, skin and wise crack dialogues. However, the movie is disappointing. The action seems forced and even gets on your nerves sometimes.
Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie look fantastic as ever, however, without much of a story, the movie leaves the exiting viewers in deluge.
The ending is rather abrupt and unbelievable given the frames of reference.
This movie is ideal for people who want to go in and spend 2 hours of their life in pretty much a Cinema HALL. Apart from the nice looking guns and an even nicer angelina and brad sporting those guns, there is not much in the movie.
Overall this movie was a big disappointment.