Never visit ms ramaiah memorial hospital. We admitted a patient with stomach swelling and respiratory issues.
5 days they have done all the tests by junior grainy doctor minting over 60thousands and didnt come to any confusion or found any reason for swelling of stomach but proving oxygen supply to respiratory issues.
Finally they have prepared a discharge report and sent the patient home. There is no breakthrough in the patient condition. Didnt do any investigation to find the cause of the stomach swelling. If patient says leg pain then do a radiology test to see if impure blood is going to legs and collect thousands for tests and report your legs are fine- childish behaviour in the duty doctors. So many similar tests done into five days stay in hospital.
Patient walked in from main gate after getting down from auto. But while going home patient was carried by hospital supporting staff using stretcher.
Worst is again by the transport van which demanded Rs1500 for a mere 4kms distance from hospital to nagashettyhalli.
There should be zero rating then I would have rated zero.