MTNLs triband is quite good. Steady connection. Accurate billing etc. Heres the lowdown.
One major grouse I have about it is the problem with VOIP apps.
Tried Yahoo with voice, Skype, Google Talk.. they all work well, but they are like leeches when it comes to bandwidth usage.
I had suspected MTNL of trying to block SIP/VOIP traffic, however, after a while and lots of testing, Ive found that they arent ;)
I use Netmeter [] a free utility to monitor any network adapter for traffic ). So far MTNLs billing accurately reflects what I monitor going thru my pc.
In a word: OK.
256Kbps is supposed to give you a max download speed of 32K/s. I get not more than 28K/s. Ive experienced connection drops of about 1 every 20 mins (but it auto trains and reconnects so Im not too concerned).
15 minutes of avg. surfing (emails etc) and youve consumed ~1MB(download)
Y! voice consumes 5Kb/sec, Google Talk consumes 6Kb/sec, Skype consumes 8Kb/sec.
At Rs 0.50 to 1.20 per MB..... its expensive.
One word: HORRIBLE!.. unless ofcourse you know Marathi and have the patience of a saint without the expectation of anything actually getting solved.