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Member Since:Oct 12, 2005
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Graphics Cards - How TO : Dont get ripped off
Reviewed General Tips on Graphic Cards
Personal experience: History: - I had an old NVidia TNT2 Riva 32MB card about 3 years back. This is useless for most games nowadays. Doom 3 will refuse to Read more...
Triband - VOIP
Reviewed MTNL Triband ADSL
MTNLs triband is quite good. Steady connection. Accurate billing etc. Heres the lowdown. VOIP ------ One major grouse I have about it is the problem Read more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Commented on sweetrose's review
Nice review sweetrose. I've had the same phone for a couple of years now. The silver on the casing is just starting to come off :( Did you try a Nokia Priority Dealer for a new casing? -Ryan
Rated on sweetrose's review
Rated on vipul2061971's review
Commented on vipul2061971's review
You really have very low expectations from mtnl :) Anyway, I think thats the cause for the rating. You have not filled in the pros and cons either. Lets hope you dont have to deal with those paan chewing idiots when your connection breaks. Good luck
Rated on popcorn's review
Commented on popcorn's review
vindictive paan chewing chaps. thats the best description I've heard.. besides chewing thier paan there's really nothing better they can do.. God forbid you cross one of them..
Commented on own review
Sure dude.. gonna take a trip down lamington road soon... Does the 6600GT overheat? Do you have a separate cooling system for it? -Ryan
Thats nice to know Anuj. I get connected fine (with both skype, googletalk and y!) for about 3 mins... after that.. they all just drop off (voice quality drops). I've even increased the windows tcp packet size to 32K (that has helped a bit). Do let me know if you experience call drops or drops i Read More...
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