MTV- The vanguard of the new generation. Trend-setter for the entire globe. Anybody who is somebody has to watch MTV. Anybody , except me of course. I dont like MTV that much at all. Personally, I prefer channel [V]. Why this act of sacrilege you say ? Let me elaborate:
- Senseless Contests
Dont get me wrong over here , I like getting stuff without any hard work too. But if you look at their contests, It seems as if they were designed for 3-year olds in mind. I feel as if I am being insulted when I hear the (usually) 3 choices in their questions. 2 are blatantly wrong while one is OBVIOUSLY correct. I mean whats the point of a contest when everyone has an equal chance of winning? No one, and I mean no one could possibly get the answers wrong. I know theyre only trying to make the options sound funny, but end up sounding ridiculous instead.
- Sensless programs
Love Line, the Grind and that stupid dating program. I mean , who in their right minds would actually watch these programs.? Loveline is filled with advice, if you can call it that form Malika and Cyrus. Lets get real , who actually turns to advice from them , except for horny, love lorne adolescents ?
The grind. Possibly one of the worst concepts in programming ever! Half-hour of people gyrating their butts in the most obscene manner. Strictly for those who have no access to adult(wink, wink) movies.
- Senseless hostess(singular)
If malika wasnt a major TV personality, people would probably consider her a hooker. Enough said.
4. Not many English Videos
MTV have no regular programs for English videos that air before 12:00. So were stuck with Hindi music( nto that I have anything against it personally) except on weekends.
What do I like about MTV, I hear you ask?
Well, some of their programs are really good. My favourite would be Web Watch, Record toad, Bolti Band and Select.
Among the hosts, I prefer Cyrus, Nikhil and the other Cyurs. They can present a show without the need to overact. ( Unlike Shenaz; But shes nothing compared to Malika and I mean that in a bad sense.)
I can hear the other teens now, Infidel! How dareth he insult the high priests of all things cool !. Well , I did justify my opinions, and maybe its time that you take a long, hard look, at whats on the TV.