Munich provoked a lot many questions, though I felt the moot point in the film was really one. Is the state larger than the individual or is it the other way? When and where is the line drawn that delineates man’s nationalistic fervor with his individual responsibility as a provider, a protector? Is there a definitive line or is much of it defused, colored by man’s judgments and perceptions?
This thought helped resonate others as well – who is responsible for man’s grounding, what color’s his beliefs, his reasons for existence, can he ever live and let live, isn’t he tired of being belligerent and grooming hatred, is he really answerable to his inner voice, to his soul?
My thoughts wandered to the outer realms of my mind and it romanced the desire of starting afresh, of wiping the slate clean of everything that had transpired. It was a quest that was desperately needed. It was an urgent call for return, to a point where life was simple, devoid of complexities, where arguments and differing points of view were heard in a civil and a dignified manner, where the need to turn into a vicious animal wasn’t felt, where the decision to pick up the gun was a far cry.
But then this was an idealistic state and ideal situations rarely exist. If only the mind was powerful enough to turn time on its head, man would have a second chance to rectify his conniving deeds. A lot of what he can achieve would impact the present. He however doesn’t have this power and so he must pay for his decisions as he progresses into the future. Eventually he will destroy himself and the circle of life will start afresh. I wonder how often this act will repeat itself and for how long. When will the architect of life give up and realize his/her creations have inherent failings?
As a film Munich was engaging and gripping with the cast using the platform to deliver credible performances, though in parts editing would have lent a tighter grip on the film pace. The reputation of Mossad as expert bomb makers was delightfully brought alive. It showcased their inherent ingenuity. Actions spoke louder those days and potential victims feared Israel’s dreaded secret service for it. It was surprising to learn of the CIA’s clash with the Mossad. Conventional knowledge would club them as partners in cause. On hindsight isn’t it amusing to know that a bungling CIA, then the world’s most powerful secret service didn’t give a damn of how the money it paid off known terrorists was being used. Even if they knew, they didn’t care. So involved were they in protecting their own flock. 9/11 changed the country’s view of the world forever.
Munich is a film worth the time spent on with its concrete subject, its sub plots, a realistic treatment and the politics of the time. It left me with a sense of despair not only for the protagonist – when he becomes a victim of his own decisions and paranoia rules the labyrinths of his mind – but also for the present political situation in the Middle East. I personally don’t think it will ever be resolved. The state and man’s nature are to be blamed for it.