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Member Since:May 12, 2004
0 MS Points
Passion drives everything in life for me. If the heart doesn't drive it, there isn't any point attempting it. This holds true in work and life. There still is a lot to achieve and each day contributes to that goal. Advertising is what I am into for a living. Music,Cinema, Scripts and High Mountain Treks are passions that make life interesting, exciting & help me stay alive. . Music ,Cinema, High Mountain treks
About Me
Education: Post Grad
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300: Execution v Story
Reviewed 300 Movie
Character 1: 300 was ok. A story without a soul. But slick production values, great colour palette, excellent graphics. However a story wasted. I’d give the fRead more...
Anthony Kaun Hai...Mujhe Pata Hai
Reviewed Anthony Kaun Hai
Anthony Kaun Hai…a light, breezy, comic thriller. The title drew in the eyeballs; the story had to glue the audiences together. Story telling is a fine art aRead more...
The ''Wall'' in Rishikesh
Reviewed White Water Rafting
The wall of water accelerated towards the Poseidon. We dipped hard into the emerald green as we paddled towards the rapid which was touted as the toughest on Read more...
''Forget Peace For Now''
Reviewed Munich
Munich provoked a lot many questions, though I felt the moot point in the film was really one. Is the state larger than the individual or is it the other way?Read more...
Lack Of Historical Depth & Width
Reviewed Mangal Pandey - The Rising
The “Rising” didn’t soar like the eagle we had expected it to. Instead it crash-landed with a loud thud right in front of our eyes. One feltRead more...
Bloated faces, bloodshot eyes & angry stares
Reviewed Sarkar
Of fat bloated faces, drooping bloodshot eyes, thick lips and angry stares. The clichéd faces of the Bombay underworld kept me company for roughly 2.5 hoRead more...
The Married Woman
Reviewed Parineeta
Parineeta – the married woman; a woman who stayed true to her love despite the slander and the affront meted out to her by her wavering friend and his fRead more...
Investment of the heart
Reviewed My Brother Nikhil
My Brother Nikhil ? a poignant tale of human relationships and the breakdown of the human support system. Not a new subject, not the first film to have tread Read more...
Million Dollar Thought
Reviewed Million Dollar Baby
?I need that one shot in life to make it. Then I can die, saying, I had it and I gave it all That was my inner voice as I left the theatre. It waRead more...
It's all BLACK out there
Reviewed Black - Bollywood
I went and saw BLACK on Sunday night. I had heard so much about the film. Rave reviews from just about everybody who is anybody. Indian cinema had finally comRead more...
The Captain’s Shield Passes On
Reviewed Captain America: Brave New World
When I sat down to watch Captain America: Brave New World, I wasn’t sure what to expect. As the fourth installment in the Captain America series and the 35th Read more...
Commented on laura_castellano's review
it's toby stephens. and the film didnt take 4 years to make. aamir had to grow his moustache and his mane! thats why the time taken. haha. but yes, i agree with you. a complete waste of time. read my review.
Rated on laura_castellano's review
Rated on mouthshutdotcom's review
Commented on mouthshutdotcom's review
nothing personal. but i beg to differ with your review. cheers
Commented on bluebrain's review
Dont have time to waste on you blue brain. Yawn! Be happy. Stay happy.
a) Me reacting? Hardly. Told you ur comment doesnt warrant a response. Do you know what warrant means? HAHA. And lastly... b) Scrub your mouth with soap. We can do without such filthy lang.
Commented on rewaa's review
Hey, that was quite a lengthy review. Yes the film's already a classic. An all time favourite. Hope it wins all the wards possible. Do read my review. Cheers
Rated on rewaa's review
Rated on Noshin's review
Commented on own review
Thanks for your comments. I try to be as objective as possible in my reviews.
Bluebrain, you trully are blue. Haha. Your comment on my review doesnt warrant a response.
Bluebrain, you trully are blue. Haha. Your comment doesnt warrant a response.
Rated on PulomaDas's review
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