Musafir had the potential to be a <GREAT>film and Im not saying it is not. Here are a few of my comments after seeing the film
-I felt that the film had anti-christian undertones (when u see it u will see)
-The censor board seem to think it is all right to have the directors opinions on other religions openly expressed in a film, as well as scantliy clad females prancing about the screen.
-Incest in the storyline is NOT suited to bolywood films
-Anil kapoor really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really needs a shave!
-Ignoring the cons above, this one of the best gangster films Ive seeen
-music is great
-Sanjay dutts character is well done
-Sameera reddy is hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot as usual.
As a conclusion I feel that if the producers had a put a little more effort, thought and sensitivity to others feelings, this could have been a much much better and viewable film.