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Member Since:Feb 06, 2005
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. cars, motorcycles, films (holly and bolly), travelling and socialising.
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Education: student
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No. 1 Motorcycle in India
Reviewed Royal Enfield Bullet STD 12V
I bought a Royal Enfield 350cc Std 2 years back(a second hand bike) and it has been one of the best decisions I have ever made. I previously was riding a HH Read more...
I would rather WALK than fly economy gulf air
Reviewed Gulf Air
I have travelled on gulf air in economy class many times, too many times actually. if one is planning to travel in economy, in the indian sector, think again Read more...
Had the potential to be a GREAT film
Reviewed Musafir -2004 Bollywood
Musafir had the potential to be a <GREAT>film and Im not saying it is not. Here are a few of my comments after seeing the film -I felt that the fRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on abhinith's review
dude it looks like you got half your reveiw from the manipal website. how about some negative points??
Commented on jabbar_fiji's review
i have a strange feeling that u r comparing a zen to cars availabl in foreign lands. i agree that indianz hav low expectation in there automotive prefrences but i feel this is changing. so dont compare zens 2 corollas/other foreign cars
Commented on rahulbhiwadi1's review
great review,but u missed out those mopeds from TVS which need to be in the trash as well
Commented on iComment's review
i dont really agree with the ambassador in ure list. although many things r wrong with the car u must understand this is indian workhorse, it has served as taxi etc for many years and provided income for many indians as cheap and reliable car. is still love ambassador for what it is.
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