I was finally lured by their advertisements to order for a a Car Audio+Vacuum Cleaner with a 2GB Pen Drive free.And My ordeal starts from there. I ordered the product on 6th Oct (Order No.848569).The order was not dispatched to the courier co. Aramex (another cheat) till 17th Oct. And after 5 days of franatic followup with the courier co. They finally delivered the product today morning and recd the payment on 22nd Oct.The next story is..
After I open the sealed package, I was amazed to see that the Vacuum cleaner was missing from the package.The Car Audio didnt even match the image that was posted in the ad. Instead of a long screen it had a small strip. And there was no disclaimer to that as well in the ad. When I called up their customer service. They simply asked me to ship back the product and They would ship back the entire set again in next 7-10 days.Now looking at the pathetic reviews of Naaptol in here.
I would dread to do that and settle down with whatever had been sent to me.(Now even in that there is no assurance that the product I have recd will work or not, or what would be its quality). Is there anyone here who has had a good experience with the replacement service of Naaptol.com?I think you should never deal with such companies who provide cheap priced products. And I guess better not use the luxury if you cannot afford it.It is simply not worth the headache it gives you!!