There is only one word you can think of when you see the last part of Nach Baliye 2...AWESOME!
The entire packaging was just super! Some good points:
The performances were just so damn good! The entire concept was briliantly executed with real good dancing from hussain and tina. I think they deserved to win, though Tanaaz and Bhakhtiyar were a different level. Too bad they did not make it to the finals. Actually, if they had, there woudl have been no competetion. Yash-Gauri and Hussain-Tina were a perfect competition!
The acts that were planned were awesome too! What with Saroj Khan and Mallika dancing... And even the anchors did a splendid job. The act from all the choreographers was somethign that would touch anybodys heart. It was simply out of this world!
Stage management
The stage for the final show was picture perfect! The camera angles used and the different antics on the stage fit like hand in glove! I did not want the show to get over!!
All in all, I can only say that I am eagerly waiting for the next Nach Baliye to happen! Keep rocking!!