I loved this film so much that I went to see it at the cinema THREE times! Since then, I have watched it on DVD twice more so far. While I must admit, this is not a film for everyone. Some people dont get the humour and others feel that it is making fun of small town America.
I would have to say that this film has been made with a lot of love and effort by the director, who himself has put parts of himself and his family into the characters. If we cant laugh at ourselves then what can we laugh at? Of course, most people are used to the big budget Hollywood blockbusters and this film may not do it for you, which is a real shame.
Give it a chance and Im sure you will also find the humour in this movie. There was some talk of a sequel or perhaps even a TV spin-off from the film. That would be sweet! Overall Id say this is a great family film that is safe for the kids (no bad language/violence/nudity), while it is intelligent enough for adults. Check it out and you wont regret it.