Well I suppose I should start by saying that I dont drink Nescafe instant coffee and prefer to drink Douwe Egberts!! I know your probably thinking well why do an opinion on Nescafe then? Well its an opinion on Nescafe Cappuccino which I find much tastier than their regular brand of coffee! I discovered this when visiting my sister and she made me a cup of this stuff and I have to say I was very surprised. Firstly at my sister for buying anything thats not freshly ground as she is a bit of a coffee expert, and secondly because it actually tasted quite good! Its not what youd get from a good coffee shop but it is an instant coffee and for this reason I am not so critical of it!!
What about the taste, I hear you ask!!
Well of coarse this is the most important thing when buying coffee isnt it, and I find it really smooth( yummy) Not too strong and not too weak and a wee bit addictive!! There is a creamy texture too it and also a nice coffee taste, which I may add doesnt have a nasty after taste like the regular Nescafe has! The frothy top is really good and looks quite orthentic for an instant coffee, the froth hold up to the last drop of coffee in your cup, brilliant stuff! Then theres the chocolate topping! I could eat this on its own its sooooooo scrumptious(wow). You get plenty of the chocolate to sprinkle on top too and it comes in a nice little chocolate shaker(very cute).
The packaging and contents
Well the packaging is okay but nothing to rave about! The box is red and yellow and has the Nescafe name plainly written across the top of the box for all too see, so its easy too spot it on the shelf at your local store. Theres also a nice looking cappuccino on the front as is too tempt you too buy it!! Well it works on me when ever Im shopping, lol.Theres a choice between sweetened and unsweetened, I like the sweetened one as its not too sweet and I dont have to bother with adding sugar and spoiling the look of my frothy top, lol! Inside the box you get 10 sachets of cappuccino, yummy!! You also get the chocolate shaker I mentioned earlier. Each sachet of cappuccino contains 12.5 g enough for a cup but, not a mug so dont go filling your mug up and expecting this too taste nice because it will be very watery and disappointing!! There is 8 g of chocolate in the shaker and its supposed to be swiss chocolate, well it tastes good so I dont really mind where it came from, lol!!
Instructions :-)
1) Empty the contents of the sachet into a cup.
2) Fill the cup with 150ml/¼ pint of hot but not boiling water, stirring all the time as to avoid and yucky lumps!! Alternatively you can use a mug but just ¾ fill it:)
3) Add your swiss chocolate topping(ahhhhhh)
(4) Sit in your favourite spot (ie) big sofa or bed anywhere you like and enjoy this lovely yet, addictive cuppa!!
Well its not really a serious warning, just a calorie alert for those who are watching there weight(I am sort of).
This little sachet of cappuccino contains 49 cals!! Thats not too bad I hear you say(well imagine it anyway)
Well no its not too bad but I usually drink about 4 or 5 a day so it really does add up!!
I only noticed this the other day while sucking on the chocolate shaker! Trying in vain to get the last of the choccie out! So if you do try these, watch how many you have as those calories all add up in the end!!