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Member Since:Jun 02, 2001
0 MS Points
I like to take walks with my son - he is 2 years old and very energetic!! I also have a 2 week old daughter so I'm pretty busy most of the time! I like to try new product's and I will let you know what there like!! I will be honest and if I don't like them I'll tell you why. I don't seem to have much spare time at the moment but when I'm not run off my feet. then I'm usually surfing the internet:)''' or shopping :O)). I have lot's of interest's including the internet. I love to read and also love to shop, I alway's look for bargains and usually find them:)
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Truly Scrumptious
Reviewed Cadbury's Hot Chocolate Toppers
Thats the only way to describe these lovely little sachets - not only are they scrumptious but they come in a variety of flavours for most tastes :O)) ~~ WHARead more...
An Emotional Rollercoaster.
Reviewed A Child Called It - Dave Pelzer
With a story like this it’s really hard to know where to begin. It’s a tale of abuse, a tale of sorrow, a tale of hope at the end of a long hard Read more...
''Hey, Wilson. Are you awake!''
Reviewed Cast Away
Cast Away ~~~~~~~~~~~ I love Tom Hanks movies – The movie Big, has got to be my all time favourite. I did enjoy The Green Mile and Sleepless in SeattlRead more...
Super Man (I think not) !!
Reviewed Unbreakable
When I saw the trailers on tv for this movie I thought it would definitely be worth seeing but waited for it to come out on video – I prefer to watch moRead more...
The 6th Day
Reviewed The 6th Day
If you dont want to know about the plot line of this movie then stop reading now!! Can you remember Dolly the sheep? You know that sheep they cloned aRead more...
2 for the price of 1
Reviewed Nivea Moisturiser
I wrote an opinion on Oil of Olay recently but I use that on my face(obviously,lol). I bought nivea lotion on the recommendation of my niece who, like me getsRead more...
Whiten those gnasher's!!
Reviewed Clinomyn Whitening Toothpaste
Hi to all those people who love tea and coffee(like me). Those of you who smoke and those of you who like a drop of red wine, all the things that are great foRead more...
This actually tastes good!!
Reviewed Nescafe Cappuccino
Well I suppose I should start by saying that I dont drink Nescafe instant coffee and prefer to drink Douwe Egberts!! I know your probably thinking Read more...
One of my favourite books!!
Reviewed Talisman - Stephen King
Firstly let me start by saying this is not what youd expect from Stephen King! This is more of a fantasy/adventure book which he has written with PeterRead more...
Because their worth it too!!
Reviewed L'Oreal Kids Styling Gel
LOreal Styling Gel For Kids --------------------------- I bought this product because I recently cut my sons hair with some hair shaverRead more...
Watch it through your finger's - I know I did!!
Reviewed What Lies Beneath
Well I didnt think this movie would be up to much after all the hype and the ads on the tv advertising it was on at cinemas everywhere.They usuallRead more...
Maybelline Great Wear Waterproof Eyeliner
Reviewed Maybelline Eye Makeup
I was on the look out for a new eyeliner a couple of months back, my usual brand suddenly started to make my eyes water(they probably changed the recipeRead more...
I always go back to it
Reviewed Oil of Ulay
Ive used this product for years and while I wont say its the best moisturiser in the world, its pretty good,(I wont say its the best as I haRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
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Commented on PROFBBMOHANTY's review
Congratulations on your 200th review. Now you have been a busy bee with all that writing. Great stuff :O) Nicola
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vikrampwar (@vikrampwarMouthShut Verified Member)
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