Actually Amul Taaza milk was the one which I wanted to write on but could not find it.
Ever since I have started living alone I have moved on to consuming packaged milk..not the doodhwala but ones such as Nestle and Amul...Now Nestle has ofcourse taken product extension to a completely different level bytaking out sub brands such as Slim and so on but frankly its not a match for Amul.
Amul ( 19 Rs) is cheaper than Nestle (26Rs)...almost by 7 Rupees (on a 1 liter pack)..and this would count to many.
Nestles milk is very thin whereas anyone who has had Amul Taaza would agree that its quite thick..and this adds a new dimension in terms of taste.
Amul tastes sweeter than Nestle...very good if you are someone who is trying to cut downon sugar intake.
Amul Lasts longer..i have kept a pack for a month (of course inside the fridge) and it was totally ok when I took it out and had it. Nestle tendsto spoil faster with my experience.
Nestle I feel is demanding a premium simply by virtue of its brand name...Amul is going on quality....important.
Nestle with its Slim promise is conducting false might be low on calories but that will not necessarily get you in leading advertising by Amul.