Ben Stiller is at it again with his crazy antics and slapstick humor. I had to admit, I was full of expectations after all the hype about Stiller and Wilson starring in this Holiday highlight and I was delightedly impressed.
Larry Daley (Ben Stiller) is “in between jobs” and has one last chance to impress his impressionable ten-year-old son. Ever the incessant dreamer, Larry is reluctant to give up on his ideas. As a last resort, Larry accepts a job as the night guard at the New York Museum. Little does he know that the museum comes to life at night, and there is a nefarious plot with the three older guards on their way out with retirement, played by Dick Van Dykke, Mickey Rooney, and Bill Cobbs. Only these three know the secret that happens at night and have some ideas of their own.
Larry spends three nights as the Night Watchman. Once night falls, the museum comes alive with a live Tyrannosaurus Rex who wants to play fetch, Theodore Roosevelt (Robin Williams) on his horse, Texas who gives Larry some helpful advice, Attila the Hun and his band of vicious Huns, Sacagawea, Lewis and Clarke, the miniature Jedadiah Long Horne, the Civil War Soldiers, Roman warriors and many wild animals of Africa.
On the first night, Larry begins his watch with a list of instructions that he tries desperately to hold on to and follow in order but Dexter, the monkey tears them away (and up) and Larry is left to fend for himself. He makes it through the first night when later the Museum Director notices that one of the displays is awry. Larry is scolded for his negligence but returns the second night for more antics.
On the second night, Larry has read up on his history and knows some tricks that will help him to deal with the characters and again is duped with more bedlam and trickery on the parts of the hooligan exhibits. On the third night, Larry has his son with him during his shift and the Museum gets really crazy when one of the Neanderthals burns up his own exhibit and escapes out the open window. He doesn’t make it back inside before dusk and turns to dust (as we are warned earlier this will happen). Not only does Larry have to manage the antics inside the museum, but the three “retired” guards try to steal a very valuable Egyptian stone that holds the key to the magic that makes the museum alive at night. The Romans and the Cowboys, led by Octavius (Steve Coogin) and Longhorne (Wilson) take the battle outside in the snow and the fun really begins.
Although the movie was predictable at times, it was a hilarious. Grownups will find the humor exceptionally silly and delectable. Stiller is just as expected, FUNNY and Owen Williams really cracks you up. Mickey Rooney had a few great one-liners as he calls Larry names (“Lunchbox”, “Hotdog”, “Butterscotch”) and Robin Williams throws out of few of his funny stints that we come to expect. But he was not outrageous and that was a bit disappointing as a Williams fan. Still with each new joke, I laughed with my eyes or ears covered, cracked up as only Ben Stiller can do.
The movie wraps up nicely even though it is just as suspected. The graphics and basic plot were good and the soundtrack/score was complimentary. Overall, a great treat. These jokes will be new to them and reminiscent for adults. Kids (both young and old) will love it!