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Member Since:Dec 10, 2004
0 MS Points
I live with my family on the Monterey Peninsula in CA. I strive for the perfect balance in life: Family, Work and Play. After many years in the hotel industry as a Director, I find myself finally doing what I love-telling other people what to do (as a consultant). I enjoy the freedom that comes with that to spend time with my 10 year old son and to remain in the hotel industry and travel to new (and some the same but a different twist). I also practice Yoga and this is what I found was missing all of my life-It just feels so great! I love the arts: creativity via scrapbooking, crafts, watching movies, reading books and writing. I cannot color within the lines, so everything is an adventure for me and I hope for those on the receiving end. I am a Leo (less the MANE that went a long time ago!). I love new and innovative things and at the same time classics. I love to read, be entertained and amazed. I love honesty, true friendship and spirit. BS without the proper finesse is an insult.
About Me
Education: BA Foreign Language (German)
Food and Drinks: Japanese Cuisine, Cosmopolitan Martinis & Double CappuccinoBooks: Thrillers, Suspense, Mystery and Rich Cultural storiesMovie Stars: Edward Norton, Ben Kingsley, David SuchetMovies: The Shawshank Redemption, Willy Wonka, Wizard of Oz, Glengarry Glen RossT.V. Shows: Reality TV, Food Network Shows, Mysteries, CrimeMusic: Anything from Opera to EminemQuotes: Ach Du Liebe!
Food and Drinks: Japanese Cuisine, Cosmopolitan Martinis & Double Cappuccino
Books: Thrillers, Suspense, Mystery and Rich Cultural stories
Movie Stars: Edward Norton, Ben Kingsley, David Suchet
Movies: The Shawshank Redemption, Willy Wonka, Wizard of Oz, Glengarry Glen Ross
T.V. Shows: Reality TV, Food Network Shows, Mysteries, Crime
Music: Anything from Opera to Eminem
Quotes: Ach Du Liebe!
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Oh The Webs We Weave
Reviewed Spider
Director David Cronenberg(A History of Violence, The Dead Zone, Naked Lunch) earned a Talma d’Or nomination at the Cannes Film Festival for this captivating cRead more...
He went in a Man and Came out a Crook!
Reviewed Shawshank Redemption
So often, I am asked what my favorite films are and with that comes an expectation of what will be revealed by that list. Mine has somewhat changed over time,Read more...
When you thought it could not get worse, it does!
Reviewed The Pursuit of Happyness Movie
Chris Gardener (Will Smith), his wife and son were on the edge of being homeless. They sunk in their life savings and souls into a business, selling heart macRead more...
Same Planet, Different Adventure
Reviewed Journey to the Center of the Earth
On a quest to understand the strange anomalies of recent Earth tremor activity, Dr. Trevor Anderson (Brendan Fraser) takes off to Iceland with his nephew, SeaRead more...
The Mindless Menace of Violence
Reviewed Bobby
This is a time of shame an sorrow. It is not a day for politics. I have saved this one opportunity my only event of today, to speak briefly to you about the mRead more...
Heads or Tails?
Reviewed No Country for Old Men
Intense, Violent and Inane are three words that come to mind while writing about No Country For Old Men. Who is the worst villain you can remember in any filmRead more...
The story continues....
Reviewed Sex and The City
We all have come to know the foursome of New York. If not, this is not the movie for you! For those who religiously watched the weekly series on HBO or caughtRead more...
You will want to Make Him Mad!!!!!
Reviewed The Incredible Hulk
You might be one of the many that either grew up watching the Incredible Hulk Series or perhaps one of the few that watched Ang Lees version of The HulkRead more...
You WILL want to make him mad!
Reviewed The Hulk
NOTE: This is the 2008 version (after numerous attemts to add this current film via Mouthpad, no luck)......... You might be one of the many that either grewRead more...
Finding True Love is the Longest Journey
Reviewed The Painted Veil
The Painted Veil.... What is the meaning behind this title? Not one that just comes to mind but thought provoking. A bitter love inspired movie starring EdwarRead more...
Dosvidanya Dr. Jones...
Reviewed Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull
Anyone who grew up in the 1980s knows who Indiana Jones is and what a great role model he was with that cool hat and nifty bull whip. I remember going Read more...
Men are Made, Heroes are Built!
Reviewed Iron Man
No wonder this latest blockbuster comic book film has been number one at the cinema the last 2 weeks. I wonder if these filmmakers knew what a great concept aRead more...
Go ahead...JUMP!
Reviewed Jumper
Opening as the top third in movie sales at the box office, one would expect a real blockbuster. I suppose it depends on what you would define a blockbuster toRead more...
It really is no secret...
Reviewed National Treasure 2: Book of Secrets
“A man has only one life time. But history can remember you forever” Get ready to hunt for the latest treasure: The City of Gold. Nicholas Cage is back as BeRead more...
A Second Capote
Reviewed Infamous
Having watched and reviewed Capote, I was really intrigued by Infamous, which covered the same story of Truman Capotes book In Cold Blood . Not only hadRead more...
Third Times’s a charm
Reviewed The Three Burials of Melquiades Estrada
Directed and starring Tommy Lee Jones as Rancher, Pete Perkins, this is a Drama/Western that really is quite exceptional as a modern day western. Like the wesRead more...
The Art of the Kill
Reviewed The Matador
For those of you who have wondered what ever happened to "JH", I have been waiting to see a movie that is worth taking precious time to review and one that haRead more...
To Die or Not to Die
Reviewed The Sea Inside - Spanish Movie
The Sea Inside(Mar Adentro), released in 2004, written by Alejandro Amenabar is a gripping story about a man who wants simply to die with dignity after livingRead more...
Who Am I?
Reviewed V for Vendetta
Who am I? Who am I but the form following the function of what and what I am is a man in a mask. I am merely remarking upon the paradox of asking a masked maRead more...
After the Fall from Innocence the Legend begins.
Reviewed Legends of The Fall
“The men of the Ludlow family. A womans grace brought them together. Then her passion tore them apart.” Legends of the Fall is an epic drama about the Read more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Rated on indian1969's review
Rated on hybk's review
Rated on avi550m's review
Commented on indian1969's review
I know what you mean... Hope all is well with you ;)
Rated on PulomaDas's review
R~ I disagree....You are a great writer. I wish I had more time to read and write but I still enjoy your thoughts. :) J~
Commented on moviezombie's review
Nice to see you here again, my friend. I have not had much time for writing but try to keep up a bit. Been saving this until I had time and wouldn't you know it, the Oscars are on tonight. I wonder what Oprah was thinking in casting these people...Hmmm. SHe is sharp but does not have the best Read More...
Rated on moviezombie's review
Rated on torcan's review
Rated on hermit's review
Rated on Ajay_1977's review
Rated on akisha's review
Rated on milinddesai's review
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