The movie is all of 2 hours. Its got Amitabh Bachchan in a performance ( his acting ) as excellent. The new girl Jiah Khan is marvelous and anyone could fall in love with her. She is simply amazing ( specially to act well in front of the Institution of Acting himself ). The song Rozana is missing from the movie. they could have put half of it in the begining and half at the end and I think it would fit well. Anyways besides that the plot is also not good. teh story is tried to be made different and surely its different.
Its absurd to see this 60 year old guy behave oddly when he is in love. One does not behave that ways but anways. As he is in love, he goes ahead with it and thats what the plot is all about. The girl suddenly leaves him and he is all set to die ( suicide ) but decides against it for no reason. He justifies his love and so he lives on. A bit off the top because I tried to reason it out but could not just do so ( I am an avid AB fan and love everything he does ).
I think I was not exactly prepared for this and expected a different ending or may be more action. I mean the sudden disppearance of the girl was wierd as well. Anyways I am a bad film critic so get more reviews before you actually see it.