I took a Health Policy with them. They made tall claims about the Max groups transparent approach and Bupa as an international Healthcare Insurer of repute and the differentiated service. The first touchpoint of service for cash less was a disaster. The leading hospitals in Delhi and NCR refuse to deal with customers having Max Bupa as an insurance - they cite the apparent lack of transparency and stopping of money to them by this company as a reason. It took me 10 days to get a cash less approval. Even aftter the approval, at time of discharge - the approved amount was to tune of 50% of the total bill. Genuine items like support operational procedures, consumable medicines required for treatment etc were excluded at convenience.
It seems these guys are here to make a quick buck out of India growth story and not interested to honour the original charter of an Insurer. Such a companys license should be barred by the Financial Service Regulator in India. I would simply not recommend this company to anyone thinking of going for a Health Policy. I would not even touch them with a barge pole