Nizoral shampoo is clearly meant for people suffering from dandruff.It promises freedom from flaking, scaling and itching. It was prescribed to me by my doctor and is amazingly effective.
Initially use 5ml shampoo twice a week for 4 weeks.Subsequently use 5 ml shampoo once a week.
I have oily lanky hair( I never apply oil) and suffered from severe dandruff.It even encroached on my eye brows.I was afraid that shampooing more than once a week would harm my hair.So initially I started using Nizoral shampoo only once in a week.When it didnt show any results I dismissed the shampoo.Afterall I had tried all the traditional remedies and most medicated shampoos and my stubborn dandruff didnt yield an inch.
But when I changed the dosage to twice a week I started noticing a change.Within a couple of weeks the dandruff became less.And no hair damage or loss as I had feared.The dandruff hasnt completely gone.But my scalp is finally visible again.Earlier there were white scaly stuff on my scalp.Thats gone and theres only a small dusting of dandruff. Ive only been using it for 3 weeks and is optimistic that the dandruff will finally be gone or at least manageable.
Nizoral shampoo can be used on all hair types including colored hair and also with other hair grooming products.I dont think there is any shampoo in the world which permanently cures dandruff.But so long
as it is manageable I dont think any of us will be complaining.Nizoral certainly guarantees that.I
TIP: Clean your comb at least once in two weeks.Arrange it so that after shampooing you can start over with a clean comb.