I was in search of a new house for rent. I was told that if you choose relax plan you shall be in relax and NoBroker will be searching houses, arranging meetings on your behalf and will be helping you until you get a good house in 90 days or 50 contacts. But after making the payments, one so called relationship manager contacted me(am sure not from bangalore) who was just doing online search in their portal and sending me contacts.
He was not even calling the owner to confirm that whether the house exists or available. He was forwarding me contacts(5-6 odd contacts), out of which 2 persons mobile always stays in switched off mode(i tried at least for 3-4 days in 1 hour frequency), 2 were not having even bike parking, and 1 was already rented out and 1 was not available after 2 months. I sent emails and called them stating that I am not getting required services for the payment I have done. I also confirmed that send me 3 contacts daily and arrange meeting at any time suitable for the owners.
But they did not contact anybody and also mentioned we have sent you the number you can contact directly. And after 7-10 days of the plan start, they said that thats it, we dont have any more on the portal. They are not having local people to interact and search for the available houses. They just believe in the information posted on their website. Then I went to a broker, to my surprise, the broker showed me 15 houses and all were good. I chose one in that one hour and made brokerage of 20k. Even though I paid 29K, I feel happy as the broker helped me in getting relaxed just in an hour. But the "NOt as effiecient as BROKER" just send you already available information and try to make money out of that. Really, I felt the 20k that I spent is worth, whereas the 2k that I have spent to NOBROKER is just a pure wastage.
So, moral I learned is that, if you really want to relax, go to a broker. If not search online or offline by yourself. But dont pay to these cheaters who even dont have refund facility even after they hesitate to serve you. NoBroker app/portal is a nice platform for searching, but their business plan is not well thought enough to help you in any manner.
Hey NOBROKER, it is high time to revisit your business plan. Dont cheat the common man.