This was my second phone, and I was impressed. It was inexpensive, and it took a fair few knocks and bumps (im 6 3 tall, and I was stretching my arms in the air, and dropped it from there) and it worked fine.
The Nokia 3210 has the features you have come to love and expect from a nokia cellular phone. It has Enhanced Full Rate Technology which allows for clearer voice communication at the expense of some battery power. It is also dual band, operating on the GSM 900Mhz & GSM 1800Mhz networks.
As far as customisation goes, you can save up to four picture messages and send them to your mates with compatible phones (including some ericcsons). it also has room for two ringtones, one sent from another phone, and one made by yourself, and comes with 36 other tones. The faceplates can also be changed to resemble your favourite sports teams colours, or make it look like a chocolate bar or a pack os smokes! (you can check out to check some of these out). You may also download an operator logo which replaces the operators name on the screen to a small graphic of your choice. I much rather over Telstra on my screen! (IM NOT SUCKING UP! LOL) :)
Unfortunatly, the phone doesnt have customisable profiles as the 33xx and 6xxx series phones do. Thats okay though as it comes with General (the only customisable profile), silent, discreet and loud. These suited me fine as there was a profile for everything I needed. The phone also has a vibrating alert. However, this depends on the country you purchase it in. For some reason, 3210s purchased in Australia do vibrate, but I have heard about some in Asia and the UK that arent fitted with a vibration motor. Best check with your Phone provider first.
The 3210 also has a calculator built in for small calculations.
So, this phone is mainly directed at young people that want a phone but dont have the money for all the latest technology. It is totally customisable (with the faceplates, ringtones, screen logo) and from what I have seen, most young people take advantages of these features and enjoy having them on thier phone.
The fone is slim, but a little bit heavy. If you have never held a cell phone before you will probably think its light, or maybe if you have been walking around with a brick, but if you have used someone elses 3310, 6210 or 8210 you will notice that it IS slightly heavier.
My recommendation? The phone is pretty out of date now, but I still see a lot kicking around. You will probably be able to pick up a 3310 for around the same price though so I would be looking into that a little more.
Also note, this phone has been givin a good review here, but it does have some problems. Many people comlain that the charger stops working, or headsrt doesnt connect after a short while. There are also a lot that say its great.
I personally HAVE had the problem and thats why I have bought a 3310. I think it must have been a bad batch of fones. So, as a precaution, see if you can get extra phone insurance with your plan that covers it breaking down for more than a year and a half, which seems to be about how long it takes to break.