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Member Since:Jan 17, 2002
0 MS Points
I'm an outgoing 19 year old male from Townsville, Queensland, Australia. From my interests section you have probably think i'm some kind of computer geek, however i actually get out of the house... sometimes :) I'm into roller blading, mountain biking, indoor wall climbing and other extreme sports :). UPDATE 1/11/2002 - Haven't checked my profile in a while, just did then and saw i have a few people with me on their trusted list! Thanks guys :). 05/02/2004: Oh my god! Does anyone know how long it has been since i have written a review here? Things have been busy down here in Australia, and I haven't had much time to do a lot of.. well, anything really! I've got some great reviews coming up for everyone. I will in the next few weeks be writing a review for the Samsung T-100, Nokia 7250, the Nokia N-GAGE and the Kodak Easyshare CX6200 Digital Camera. The N-Gage review is going to be a long one, so many features! Well everyone, take it easy, i look forward to writing these reviews for you all and i hope you look forward to reading them! Now, back to the rest of my profile :D ------------------- I enjoy researching Cellular Networks, primarily GSM and CDMA, and also GSM and CDMA Phones. Internet, Web Design etc I also like to research and I have pretty extensive knowledge of what's going on in these fields. If you ever want a review or help with technology related issues, give me a yell.
About Me
Education: Completion of High School
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Nokia's First GPRS Phone, A Piece of Art...
Reviewed Nokia 8310
Simply amazing. I cant think of any other way to describe this little wonder. I finally got my hands on the Nokia 8310 about 2 weeks ago (in the middle Read more...
It's a d368 - with vibrate
Reviewed Motorola Talkabout T180
The motorola talkabout is not a phone I would recommend puchasing. There are two upshots of this phone. Light, and has a vibrate on silent feature. The restRead more...
What do YOU think?
Reviewed General Tips on Cell Phones
After reading someones opinion on cell phones, and then reading some of the comments left on it I was going to make a comment of my own. After reading all of Read more...
BEST phone for first time buyers on a tight budge
Reviewed Motorola D368
Okay, guaranteed, this is probably one of the worst phones in the world feature wise, but at the start of 1999 it was hangin around very cheap and as the firsRead more...
Great if you just need a phone that works :)
Reviewed Nokia 5110
I have had over 7 different cell phones follow me around in my pocket since 1999 and access to them since 1997. The 5110 was one of these. At that point in tiRead more...
You get what you pay for...
Reviewed Free ISP Vs. Paid ISP
And therefore if you pay nothing, you get just that. In my own experience, you can get free internet, but they chuck a bar of advertisments on the bottom of Read more...
Great for young people!
Reviewed Nokia 3210
This was my second phone, and I was impressed. It was inexpensive, and it took a fair few knocks and bumps (im 6 3 tall, and I was strRead more...
Good for some...
Reviewed Motorola V 2088
Anyone who has seen a few of my phone reviews around Mouthshut.com will know they are usually quite long, this one however will not be. There isnt reallRead more...
What happened when they thought this one up?
Reviewed Motorola V2288
Personally, I havent yet come across a motorola that I really like. This will be my little rant on its downsides. I will include its good point however,Read more...
One sweet phone.
Reviewed Ericsson T20s
The phone I am reviewing is the Ericcson T20e. Although you have come to the T20s page, I dont think that there are any differences between these phone.Read more...
In Depth Look at the 3310
Reviewed Nokia 3310
The reviews of this phone I have seen so far have been a very basic look at the phone. I would like to go a little bit further and include some more in depth Read more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Rated on cybersunil's review
Commented on rlshah's review
Hmm, i guess i am the other reviewer you are talking about when you say 'i'm surprised the other reviewer called it palm sized'. Go back through my review if you get a chance, i do not say that once. Also note, the phone in the picture is not a StarTAC and most definatly is a d368.
Rated on sydney's review
Rated on saumil_b's review
Followed missymoo
Commented on hole's review
Although i don't own a 6210 (YET!) i steal my dad's regularly. This is a good, accurate review, and a sweet read. Keep it up! :)
Commented on sujay_marthi's review
Couldn't you have posted this later? I have a glass of coke sittin next to me now. What to do? :). okay, last glass for a while, then a jug of water. Im convinced, time to cut down...
Followed sujay_marthi
Commented on achougoo's review
I agree with everything said here, great phone. (Australians, the 6210 here is around 600 - 700 aussie dollars)
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