3595 in US, 3510i in UK, 3530 in India. Yep, all are the same phone; same software but colors and covers are different for different markets. A cheap phone with some-what advance features…But here are some things which no one has to consider -
1) The low resolution screen means that it seems that it is quite stupid in the fact that it has MMS because the quality of pictures is so low.
2) The speaker on the phone is quite poor because the ringtones dont seem to sound loud at all. The volume of its inbuilt MIDI player is quite low, even at maximum.
3) The fact that it hasnt got infra red which is a real downside because that should be basic on any phone. BlueTooth well at that price, one can understand why its not there.
4) It does takes a couple of attempts to turn on and you have to hold the button for a while.
5) It has hard to see the screen in bright light.
6) Does not support a camera.
7) It is quite easy to miss a call or SMS and once the screensaver has kicked in, you wont know until you hit a key on the phone.
8) It looks wee too big in size, but its NOT and looks heavy but its light.