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Member Since:Jul 22, 2003
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1 sec billing is with fix charges...
Reviewed Loop Mobile Operator
This review is not about service, coverage, support etc. But the heavily advertised 1 sec. billing over billboards and newspaper. Well the fact is that 1 secRead more...
Fropper.com - Friendship Site...
Reviewed Fropper
For all you people out there looking for a clean friendship/dating site for Indians. I must recommend Fropper.com. I am doing this because I have truly benefiRead more...
Title : Cinematic Majesty - LOTR Return of the Ki
Reviewed Lord of the Rings: Return of the King
Based on JRR Tolkiens original book - Lord of the Rings (TFOR, Two Towers, ROTK). The movie Lord of the Rings - The return of the King is the last part Read more...
The Good, The Bad And The Ugly
Reviewed Shaadi
Shaadi.com was the first matrimonial site I ever joined. Not only have I been a member for a long time but I am a paid member. I havent found the girl oRead more...
3595 in US, 3510i in UK, 3530 in India
Reviewed Nokia 3530
3595 in US, 3510i in UK, 3530 in India. Yep, all are the same phone; same software but colors and covers are different for different markets. A cheap phone wiRead more...
The Captain’s Shield Passes On
Reviewed Captain America: Brave New World
When I sat down to watch Captain America: Brave New World, I wasn’t sure what to expect. As the fourth installment in the Captain America series and the 35th Read more...
Commented on contactronak's review
have since a year and it rockin check the pics i took from my phone - http://flickr.com/photos/umeshg
Commented on shriharisc's review
looks like all you want is phone numbers of girls... pity you.
Commented on hoschi's review
Well you work for FREE? 100% NO - Then why expect everything for free....if any service charges a fee you should not cry saying its a money making machine. About your personal experience...well my friend - its nothing wrong with the site - its just the people out there, some are good some are ba Read More...
Rated on spookaay's review
Rated on ashish2k's review
Commented on ashish2k's review
A very well written review and I am quiet impressed about the points you have mentioned here... Keep writting and looking forward to read more reviews from you.....
I have myself faced these problems on many websites...I am frequent online shopper...I shop on many websites. I normally pay by credit card - Now the fact is- In India we have a very poor payment gateway. Many times I try to pay and it just doesnot connect...but you get charged on the card. I Read More...
Commented on Divin's review
Ads are to build a brand, aware people about your brand and reflect your mission/ unique selling point. I felt the same, when I fist saw that ad.
Rated on Divin's review
Rated on guy_u_can_trust's review
Rated on rakbat's review
Commented on rakbat's review
Well its just 1000 bucks buddy - and its the question of choosing life partner.
Commented on own review
If you have read all the reviews of 3530 untill now you would must have come to know that its a must-have phone for the budget mobile user. Now every Nokia phone model will have its flaws...even high end models do have problems such as clock falling back in time / phone hanging / slow loading etc Read More...
Followed karti
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