Summer loving had me a blast
Summer loving happened so fast
I brought a 3610 crazy for me
It is cute as can be
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At 5200 rupees (with bill and all warranty included) some 600 bucks less than 2100. it doesnt get any better than this. I got this handset for 5799 in Aug 03.
The voice clarity is amazing... its has to be experienced in traffic to believe it. The cell phone looks delicate... am proof that it need _NOT_ be so... my cell phone got dropped atleast 3 times from switch board height onto the floor (hard cement & marble, avg. ht. 5 ft) twice... once I stepped on it accidentally and by grace of the engineers who build this beauty...its still working!!!
The battery charge life is quite pathetic... especially the talk time... two long duration calls and the battery is almost over :(. What else ?... The lighting is very very bright... bright enough to have a candle lit dinner or use it as an emergency torch when power goes off.
Phone book can hold 150 entries, It has picture editor, WAP 1.1, compose 7 ring-tones, conference call facility, and 6 games apart from the usual calci, clock etc features, send-to-many option in messages. Its very light, the screen looks small but in truth it has a higher resolution LCD screen for the screen savers (both normal and Animated), you can edit the pictures and use them as screen savers to your liking.
What else ?....The Nokia 3610 is also the first mobile phone in the world to have Hindi input. The nokia english dictionary is very easy to use while text-ing, Also new spells added automatically get included into the dictionary ( there is a limit... I think some other words get replaced after a while ... not too sure... coz its highly impractical for me to remember all string matches)
Messages... apart from standard messages this cell supports messages upto 459 characters!!! One symbol I miss very dearly from the symbol list is the new line character (0x0A) ... it needs to be inserted by hacking into the nokia software. Also the blinking character (once u have it ... all character in between pair of blink symbols will blink)
I am pretty happy with the 3610, I feel its more feature rich compared to other 3000 series models and 2100. It costs less too [Software ver 5.26 18-4-03 NAM-1]. Considering the current market price... its the best phone in around 5000 rupees range with WAP & animated screen savers.